What is tactical ventilation?

Tactical ventilation involves opening ventilation paths with the intent to make the fire behave or travel in a certain direction. This direction is meant to help maintain the life safety of both firefighters and civilians.

What are the two types of horizontal ventilation?

Normally, negative pressure fans are not set up until after the fire has been suppressed and our main concern is removing the smoke. The other mechanical way of ventilating horizontally is by using a positive pressure fan (PPV). These newer types of fans are powered by gasoline engines and electrical motors.

What is an example of vertical ventilation?

Vertical ventilation is the removal of super-heated toxic gases and smoke by allowing it to take its natural traveling path – UP! Fire companies make this possible by accessing the roof with a ladder, saws and other tools, and making an opening on the roof’s exterior, then punching the ceiling out with another tool.

What is horizontal ventilation?

Sequential horizontal ventilation simply refers to ventilating one room at a time in a sequential manner. We typically find that most doors inside the structure are already in the open position, and every room is filled with varying degrees of smoke.

What is cross or horizontal ventilation?

Cross ventilation (also called Wind Effect Ventilation) is a natural method of cooling. The system relies on wind to force cool exterior air into the building through an inlet (like a wall louver, a gable, or an open window) while outlet forces warm interior air outside (through a roof vent or higher window opening).

How is tactical coordinated ventilation typically used for life safety applications?

Tactical ventilation is a tool to help firefighters a fire. Being in control of the fire means using ventilation and to control the fire’s behavior. Ventilation helps firefighters control two variables in a structure: where hot gases and smoke exhaust from, and: oxygen availability.

How many types of ventilator modes are there?

There are five conventional modes: volume assist/control; pressure assist/control; pressure support ventilation; volume synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV); and pressure SIMV.

What is forced ventilation?

A type of building ventilation system that uses fans or blowers to provide fresh air to rooms when the forces of air pressure and gravity are not enough to circulate air through a building.