What is the value of Incredible Hulk number 181?

In perfect graded condition, Incredible Hulk #181 can sell for over $15,000, and the record sale for this historic comic is $23,000.

What year did Hulk 181 come out?

Incredible Hulk #181 was released in November of 1974. There continues to be speculation of Wolverine appearing in future Marvel films.

Is Wolverine The Hulk in 182?

Incredible Hulk #182 “1st Appearance of Anvil & Hammer- Wolverine Appearance Comic – January 1, 1974.

What was Wolverine first appearance?

The Incredible Hulk no. 181
Wolverine—who possesses razor-sharp claws, the ability to rapidly heal virtually any injury, and a skeleton reinforced with an indestructible metal—made his first full appearance in The Incredible Hulk no. 181 (1974).

What 1980’s comic books are worth money?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1984) No. The first appearance of Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Raphel, Donatello, Shredder, and Splinter commands top dollar these days and is currently the most valuable comic book from the 1980s.

What is the most expensive comic book from the 80s?

1. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 First Printing, Origin and First Appearance of the Team, BREAKS NEW GROUND! Record sale: $245,000 (Not a typo!) It’s long been the most expensive comic book published in the 1980s.

How much does it cost to get a comic book graded?

Before submitting comics, you’ll have to become a CGC member, which costs $25 a year for the cheapest option. The standard fee for grading one comic book is $75. There are also shipping fees to think about. All in all, you’ll probably pay a little over $100 to get your comic book graded.

What Hulk comics are worth money?

A rare first edition copy of “The Incredible Hulk” #1 has been sold for nearly half a million dollars, making it the most expensive copy of the comic ever sold, according to auction site Comic Connect. The comic book first published in 1962 was recently sold for a record-smashing $490,000 to an unknown collector.