Why does my kitten have weak back legs?
Why does my kitten have weak back legs?
The most common cause of rear limb paralysis in cats is a blood clot that goes to the back leg, called a saddle thrombus or arterial thromboembolism (ATE). This clot blocks blood flow to the affected limb(s). A clot in the back leg suddenly causes the cat to be unable to put full weight on the affected leg.
How can I strengthen my kittens back legs?
To strengthen the hind limbs, lift the abdomen so that the front legs are off the ground. This improves rear leg weight bearing/strength, range of motion, and hip extension. While sitting on a chair or couch, have your cat’s back legs on the floor and lift the front legs up on a cushion or two (placed on the ground).
Why is my cat walking weird back legs?
Neuropathy is the result of the high levels of glucose affecting the nerves in your cat’s legs and paws. As a result, cats will walk weird with their back legs which will be weak, unsteady, and wobbly. In addition to walking unsteadily, diabetic neuropathy left untreated could lead to complete loss of movement.
Why is my kitten suddenly having trouble walking?
Limping calici is a form of the virus that causes sudden limping and lameness. While any cat can develop these symptoms, it is far more likely to occur in kittens due to their underdeveloped immune systems. It is also sometimes seen in recently FVRCP vaccinated kittens who are having a reaction to the vaccine.
Does wobbly kitten syndrome go away?
While this condition has no treatment or cure, it usually does not cause cats any serious or harmful effects. “These cats can live long and healthy lives; they just look a bit funny when they walk around,” Mankin said.
Why are my cat’s hind legs weak?
Hind leg weakness can occur in cats who have heart disease known as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). This disease causes a thickening of the heart muscle, which can cause blood clots that interrupt the blood supply to the hind legs, known as feline aortic thromboembolism (FATE).
What is wobbly kitten syndrome?
Cerebellar Hypoplasia, also known as CH and wobbly cat syndrome, is a neurological disorder that causes sudden jerky movements, uncoordinated motion and loss of balance. In a CH cat, the brain does not develop properly.
How can I tell if my kitten has a neurological problem?
The signs that your cat may be suffering from a neurologic disorder include: reluctance or refusal to use its litter box; altering the way it interacts with its owner and others; and a noticeable change in its gait and apparent sense of balance. An affected cat, says Dr. Dewey, may suddenly “flop down and flail around.
Why is my kitten off balance?
A disease with similar symptoms, ataxia, causes a loss of balance, too. Kittens are particularly vulnerable to ataxia. It’s caused by infection, trauma or a disease, such as cancer. If your cat begins to stumble, wobble back and forth or fall down, first protect him or her from additional harm.
Why do cats limp their back legs?
Your cat may be limping on the front or back legs for many different reasons. These can range from getting something stuck in their paw to a break, sprain or even an ingrown claw.
Why is my cat walking like he’s drunk?
It’s likely your cat is experiencing an issue with her vestibular system. The feline vestibular system is essentially the balance center of her brain. When something is amiss in this complex web of nerves and synapses, she’s likely to become dizzy, disoriented, and have trouble with muscle coordination.
Why is my cat dragging his back legs?
Loss of Appetite/Thirst. For all animals,illness often culminates in a lack of interest in food or water.
How to treat a cat that has a broken leg?
If you note a foreign body between the toes and can reach it easily,remove it and clean the wound with anti-bacterial soap.
Why is my cat walking with an arched back?
– the cat refuses to be handled – the cat manifesting depression and lethargy – the cat is agitated and reluctant to settle – the cat is aggressive – the cat is excessively licking and grooming herself
Can cats heal their broken leg by themselves?
Minor abrasions will usually heal on their own without human intervention. If your cat does suffer a small injury, keep an eye on the wound site and watch for signs of healing. Also question is, how long does it take for a cat’s broken leg to heal? What should I do if my cat is limping?