Who is the strongest bandit in Skyrim?

The Bandit Chief
sound. The Bandit Chief is the strongest variant of a bandit found in Skyrim. They also contain the most valuable loot among a group of bandits.

What race are most bandits in Skyrim?

Although bandits can be of most of the races in Skyrim, there are no Altmer bandits. Sometimes one can encounter mage bandits. While most of the time they are Argonian or Dunmer, they can be of any race with the exceptions of Orc, Bosmer, and Khajiit.

What do bandits wear in Skyrim?

Their apparel varies from light to heavy armor, and always consists of a cuirass and boots (or fur shoes), and may include gauntlets, a helmet, or a shield as well. Although most bandits are Nords, Orcish bandits and other races are also common. Bandits almost always appear in groups, and often inhabit forts and caves.

How many bandits are in Skyrim?

The sum of every “bandit” related actor is 714. This included some dogs and other not NPC related things so take probably around ~700 would be more accurate. Also keep in mind sometimes this count number is not accurate and depends on the zone they are being spawned in so take this info with a grain of salt.

Can you clear Karthspire camp?

The surrounding area has a very high dragon spawn rate, especially when fast traveling to the camp. An easy way to clear the camp is to allow a dragon to kill the Forsworn, or vice versa.

What’s the most common race in Skyrim?

the Nord race
Race. At over 24%, the Nord race is by far the favourite, which makes sense given Skyrim’s pseudo-Scandinavian setting. We’re guessing a lot of people new to Skyrim choose Nords because they generally get a warmer reception around Skyrim, and because they don’t look weird.

What level are wolves in Skyrim?


Creature (ID) Lvl
Wolf (00023ABE) 2 22
Pit Wolf (000DDCD0)
Ice Wolf (00023ABF) 6 137

What level are bandit marauders?

Bandit marauders are level 25 and have almost 500 points of health, so it is no surprise they can take many hits even with low quality armor (which scaled armor by the way is not, as its armor rating is between that of elven and glass, and it has a tempering perk).

Do forsworn camps Respawn?

It is inhabited by a large number of Forsworn and a hagraven….Skyrim:Karthspire Camp.

Camp: Karthspire Camp (view on map) (lore page)
Respawn Time 10 days
Level Min: 14
Forsworn, Hagraven

What is the least common race in Skyrim?

Probably the Bosmer. I only ever have played as an Argonian. Everyone makes fun of the Bosmer after Oblivion. They may be somewhat more badass in Skyrim, but I still think they are the least played race.

Why do they make bandits neutral in Skyrim?

Making them neutral this way will make it easier to get close to their pockets to be picked for valuables without having to battle them. After installing Dragonborn, Skyrim bandit chiefs may start appearing with Nordic Carved Armor and Nordic weapons at higher levels.

Are there Altmer bandits in Skyrim?

Although bandits can be of most of the races in Skyrim, there are no Altmer bandits. Sometimes one can encounter mage bandits. While most of the time they are Argonian or Dunmer, they can be of any race with the exceptions of Orc, Bosmer, and Khajiit.

Where can I find bandits in Skyrim?

Bandits (Skyrim) Bandits almost always appear in groups, and often inhabit forts and caves. Bandit groups often set up regular patrols to guard entrances and other key areas, sometimes numbering near a dozen at well-fortified locations. They can also be encountered traveling along the roads, but it is not as common.

What is bandit armor in Skyrim?

―Bandit Armor [src] Bandits are one of the most common enemies encountered across Skyrim. They wield a wide variety of weapons, ranging from bows, one-handed and two-handed melee weapons, and on rare occasions spells. Their apparel varies from light to heavy armor, and always consists of a cuirass and boots…