What does radical idea mean?
What does radical idea mean?
Similarly, a radical flaw or change is a fundamental one whereas a radical design or idea is very new and innovative. Definitions of radical. adjective.
What is the meaning of radical wing?
n. 9 a person who favours extreme or fundamental change in existing institutions or in political, social, or economic conditions.
What is radical and example?
In chemistry, a radical is an atom, molecule, or ion that has an unpaired valence electron. A notable example of a radical is the hydroxil ( HO.) group, a molecule that has one unpaired electron on the oxygen atom.
What is radical person?
noun. a person who holds or follows strong convictions or extreme principles; extremist. a person who advocates fundamental political, economic, and social reforms by direct and often uncompromising methods.
What is liberal and radical?
Radicalism (historical), a variant of liberalism emerging in several European and Latin American countries in the 19th century, advocating universal suffrage and other democratic rights. Social liberalism, a more left-leaning variant of European liberalism, culturally progressive and economically interventionist.
What is radical give example?
A notable example of a radical is the hydroxyl radical (HO·), a molecule that has one unpaired electron on the oxygen atom. Two other examples are triplet oxygen and triplet carbene (꞉CH. 2. ) which have two unpaired electrons. Radicals may be generated in a number of ways, but typical methods involve redox reactions.
How do you use radical in a sentence?
Radical in a Sentence ?
- The conservative church leaders were not interested in hearing any radical religious ideas.
- After the terrorist attacks of 2001, there were some radical changes in airport security.
- Radical ideas are what we need to improve the dismal economy.
What is an example of radical?
Some examples of radicals are √7, √2y+1, etc. A radical can also be associated with the following terms: An equation that is inside a radical is known as a radical equation. An expression that lies inside a square root is known as a radical expression.