Why is ForsenE the most used emote?

The reason ForsenE is the most popular emote on Twitch is that the community behind Forsen loves spamming. These fans have dedicated themselves to spamming the ForsenE emote in other streamers’ chats in order for it to remain on top.

What does BatChest emoji mean?

“BatChest is a Twitch emote featuring the face of former Twitch admin Curtis Scott wearing light-up goggles making a surprised face, which has been compared to a soyface. The emoji is used to convey mock surprise and excitement when something unexpected occurs during a Twitch stream.”

Why is it called BibleThump?

The BibleThump emote is the most popular “cry-emote” due to the fact that you can clearly see the tears even when it is reduced to a miniature size. The emote is based on the face of Isaac from the game The Binding of Isaac.

How many times has forsenE been used?

To date, forsenE has been used in chat more than 360 million times.

What does ForsenCD mean?

ForsenCD Meaning. The ForsenCD emote is used to react fails of the voice that reads the alert messages in Twitch.

What is Kkona Twitch?

Kkona is a Twitch emote that means over-the-top stereotypical American. It is most commonly used when a streamer does something that is stereotypically America or when the streamer does something or is thought to be the best at doing something.

Why is Forsen so popular?

Hans Eli Sebastian Fors (born 16 December 1990), known by the pseudonym Forsen, is a Swedish Twitch streamer who initially gained popularity for having competed in StarCraft II, but is best known for competing in Hearthstone and for streaming a variety of popular games.

What does Brokeback mean on Twitch?

BrokeBack Meaning. The BrokeBack emote is used on Twitch when someone does something dopey or if the streamer has a stroke of dumb luck. Remember to use this emote the next time a streamer makes you want to roll your eyes. Released: Currently unknown.

Are all Twitch emotes the same?

The good news is that while big channels often have their own, somewhat unique emote culture, the most popular global emotes mean roughly the same thing wherever you go on Twitch. Here are the Twitch emotes you need to know, and what they mean:

What does the Twitch emote Kappa mean?

Over the course of nearly a decade, though, Twitch’s viewers have injected each emote with dozens of complicated definitions and connotations. An image like “Kappa”—a dude smirking through a black-and-white filter—is as multi-pronged as the F-word.

What does notlikethis mean on Twitch?

NotLikeThis is the emote for when things don’t go to plan. You may see a NotLikeThis after falling through the last floor in Hex-A-Gone. PogChamp: This former Twitch emote features fighting game personality Ryan “Gootecks” Gutierrez, who made the famous expression during 2010 YouTube video.