Where is the Ozark spook light?

The Spook Light, often referred to as the Joplin Spook Light or the Tri-State Spook Light, is actually in Oklahoma near the small town of Quapaw. However, it is most often seen from the east, which is why it has been “attached” to the tiny hamlet of Hornet, Missouri, and the larger, better-known town of Joplin.

What is the Hornet Spook Light?

The Spooklight, also called the Hornet Spooklight, Hollis Light and Joplin Spook Light, is a ghost light reported to appear in a small area known locally as the “Devil’s Promenade” on the border between southwestern Missouri and northeastern Oklahoma, west of the small town of Hornet, Missouri.

Why is it called Devil’s Promenade?

The phenomenon occurs in the southwest of the state, where the Ozark Mountains give way to flat land — in an area called the Devil’s Promenade. Local lore has it that an Indian died there — or a woman in a farmhouse, or a Civil War hero — and the ghost of that person shines the light.

What is a ghost light in theater?

A ghost light is a single bulb left burning whenever a theatre is dark. Some argue that its function is to chase away mischievous spirits; others insist it lights the way for the ghosts that are said to inhabit virtually every theatre, keeping them happy and contented.

Where is the Devil’s Promenade?

Near the edge of the Ozarks, in a region where the borders of Oklahoma, Kansas, and Missouri blend together, is a county road known as Devil’s Promenade. For locals, this area is considered to be, quite literally, where the Devil lives.

What is the M word in theater?

Don’t say the ‘M’ word! Saying ‘Macbeth’ in a theatre will immediately bring you bad luck. According to folklore, the play’s history of bad luck began at its very first performance (circa 1606) when the actor scheduled to portray Lady Macbeth died suddenly and Shakespeare was forced to replace him.

What happens if you say Macbeth in a theater?

If an actor speaks the word “Macbeth”, or quotes the play, in a theatre other than in performance, they must perform a ritual to remove the curse.

Why do actors not say Macbeth?

Macbeth. William Shakespeare’s play Macbeth is said to be cursed, so actors avoid saying its name when in the theatre (the euphemism “The Scottish Play” is used instead). Actors also avoid even quoting the lines from Macbeth before performances, particularly the Witches’ incantations.

Why do actors say break a leg?

This is an expression used mostly in the world of theatre to mean ‘good luck’. Actors and musicians are never wished ‘good luck’; before they walk on to the stage, they are usually told ‘break a leg’. This form of wishing people is beginning to be used in other contexts as well.

What is the Scottish curse?

According to a theatrical superstition, called the Scottish curse, speaking the name Macbeth inside a theatre, other than as called for in the script while rehearsing or performing, will cause disaster.

Why is the Scottish play cursed?

A coven of witches objected to Shakespeare using real incantations, so they put a curse on the play. Legend has it the play’s first performance (around 1606) was riddled with disaster. The actor playing Lady Macbeth died suddenly, so Shakespeare himself had to take on the part.

What is the M word in theatre?
