How long does it take for a Lisfranc sprain to heal?

Lisfranc injury can be quite serious and require months to heal. For those experiencing strains or sprains, recovery could take six to eight weeks. For those needing surgery, recovery will likely take three to five months.

Is a Lisfranc injury a sprain?

With a Lisfranc sprain, these ligaments are sprained or torn. The bones of the midfoot may also be dislocated or fractured. Cartilage and other soft tissues can be affected, as well. The severity of a Lisfranc joint injury can range from simple to complex.

How do you treat a Lisfranc sprain?

How is a Lisfranc joint injury treated?

  1. Taking pain medicines.
  2. Wearing a non-weight-bearing cast or boot for 6 weeks.
  3. Wearing a weight-bearing cast or a special foot support after the first 6 weeks.
  4. Having serial X-rays to find out how your foot is healing.

What is Lisfranc sprain?

Lisfranc (midfoot) injuries result if bones in the midfoot are broken or ligaments that support the midfoot are torn. The severity of a Lisfranc injury can vary widely — from a simple injury involving one midfoot joint to a complex injury involving many midfoot joints and broken bones.

Can a Lisfranc ligament heal on its own?

Lisfranc injuries are extremely unlikely to heal on their own. Because they’re so tricky to diagnose, what might seem like a simple sprain or another common injury could be something much more serious.

Does a Lisfranc sprain need surgery?

A Lisfranc injury is often mistaken for a simple sprain, especially if the injury is a result of a straightforward twist and fall. However, injury to the Lisfranc joint is not a simple sprain that should be simply “walked off.” It is a severe injury that may take many months to heal and may require surgery to treat.

How long does it take for a midfoot sprain to heal?

Recovery. The time it takes to recover from a midfoot sprain depends on the severity of the injury. Mild midfoot sprains can heal in four to six weeks using conservative treatment methods. Patients who suffer a severe midfoot sprain may need at least three months to recover stability and flexibility of the foot.

Can you walk on a midfoot sprain?

In milder injuries they will be able to walk without too much pain, but the higher demands on the foot in athletics will be painful. On the other end of the spectrum, in more severe injuries, the injured athlete may not be able to bear any weight even to walk.

What does a Lisfranc injury feel like?

Symptoms of a Lisfranc injury may include swelling of the foot, pain throughout the midfoot upon standing or during examination, inability to bear weight, bruising on the bottom of the foot in the arch area and an abnormal widening of the foot, possibly signaling dislocation.

Will Lisfranc injury heal on its own?