What does it mean by temporally?

: of or relating to time as distinguished from space also : of or relating to the sequence of time or to a particular time. Other Words from temporal. temporally \ -​ē \ adverb.

How do you use temporally?

1) His property was temporally held by the police. 2) The soldiers were temporally camped in the open. 3) But it would not be the egoism imposed temporally by external necessity on the two men in the boat.

Does temporality mean temporary?

Temporal comes from the Latin word temporalis which means “of time” and is usually applied to words that mean not having much of it, such as the temp who works at an office for a set amount of time, because temporary situations don’t last long.

What is the difference temporary and temporal?

“Temporary” is the opposite of permanent – only lasting a brief period. “Temporal” means related to the concept of time. It is generally only used in scientific, religious or grammatical contexts. It is not an everyday word.

What does temporally related mean in medical terms?

Pertaining to time, limited in time, temporary, or transient. 2. Pertaining to the temple region of the head. The temporal lobe of the brain is located beneath the temple. From the Latin tempus which means both time and the temple of the head.

What is example of temporal?

The definition of temporal is relating to the temples of the skull, limited by time or relating to this present life or world. An example of temporal used as an adjective is a temporal lobe in the brain. An example of temporal used as an adjective is temporal logic, the rules about reasoning in terms of time.

What does temporally limited mean?

1 of or relating to time. 2 of or relating to secular as opposed to spiritual or religious affairs.

What is temporal example?

What is an example of temporal?

What does temporal course mean?

What is temporal in the Bible?

Temporal – Biblical Word Study TEM’PORAL, adjective [Latin temporalis, from tempus, time.] 1. Pertaining to this life or this world or the body only; secular; as temporal concerns; temporal affairs. In this sense, it is opposed to spiritual.

What is temporal behavior?