What does TRX training stand for?

Total Body Resistance Exercise
TRX which stands for Total Body Resistance Exercise, is revolutionary workout method that uses your body weight and gravity as resistance to build strength, balance, coordination, flexibility, core and joint stability.

Is TRX Suspension Training worth it?

Suspension training (which you might know as TRX) has become a mainstay at gyms all over-and for good reason. It’s a super effective way to torch your whole body, build strength, and get your heart beating, using just your own bodyweight.

Is TRX cardio or strength training?

TRX training is great for flexibility, balance, and coordination. Aerobic: Yes. Although suspension training is a strength workout, you’ll almost certainly find your heart pounding after even a brief session. The workout’s creators also offer a “TRX Cardio Circuit” workout.

Can you build muscle using TRX?

A single bout of TRX exercise creates a greater testosterone-to-cortisol ratio, and thus potential for enhanced muscle growth, than traditional resistance-training exercise (Scheett et al., 2011).

How long does it take to complete a TRX course?

Theses are done in 1 day and last about 7 hours to go through all the content with the TRX professional. The online course allows you to access all the learning material and follow the course at your own pace and time. This is a condensed course that covers all you need to know about proper set up of the TRX trainer, proper technique and cueing.

How do I get Started with TRX?

Choose your time from the dates available, register an account if you do not have one yet on the TRX website and make your payment. There are 2 qualification courses now available at TRX. Learn suspension training with this 1 day – 7 hour virtual course. You will learn how to properly set up your TRX equipment.

What can you do with the TRX Suspension Trainer?

Properly perform a variety of suspension training exercises, adjust resistance and stability. Progress and regress exercises for all fitness levels and cue and correct common faults. TRX Yoga is the ultimate fusion of fitness and power yoga made stronger with the use of the TRX Suspension Trainer.

What are the different types of TRX education?

TRX Education has now been arranged into 3 categories: Qualification Courses, Workshop Series and Online Courses. Previously all the TRX education courses were only offered in the United States and Canada as they were done in person.