Who dies in Homeward Bound 2?

Ellis, the film features the three pets from the first film, Shadow the Golden Retriever (voiced by Ralph Waite, replacing Don Ameche, who died in 1993), Sassy the Himalayan cat (Sally Field), and Chance the American Bulldog (Michael J….

Homeward Bound II: Lost in San Francisco
Box office $32.7 million

Who are the animal voices in Homeward Bound?


  • Michael J. Fox as the voice of Chance.
  • Don Ameche as the voice of Shadow.
  • Sally Field as the voice of Sassy.
  • Robert Hays as Bob Seaver.
  • Kim Greist as Laura Burnford-Seaver.
  • Benj Thall as Peter Burnford-Seaver.
  • Veronica Lauren as Hope Burnford-Seaver.
  • Kevin Chevalia as Jamie Burnford-Seaver.

Who is the voice of Delilah in Homeward Bound 2?

Carla Gugino
Homeward Bound II: Lost in San Francisco (1996) – Carla Gugino as Delilah – IMDb.

Who is Shadow’s voice in Homeward Bound?

Don AmecheHomeward Bound: The Incredible Journey
Ralph WaiteHomeward Bound II: Lost in San Francisco
Shadow/Voiced by

How many dogs were used in Homeward Bound 2?

Four American Bulldogs share the role of Chance, four Golden Retrievers share Shadow, and six Himalayan cat performers carry the part of Sassy.

Are the same animals used in Homeward Bound 2?

Ralph Waite (voice of Shadow) replaced Don Ameche, who died in 1993 after making the first film. Four American Bulldogs share the role of Chance, four Golden Retrievers share Shadow, and six Himalayan cat performers carry the part of Sassy.

How many dogs played Chance in Homeward Bound?

four dogs
Stand-In Pets and Supporting Players Ben, Rattler, and Tiki, the main animals portraying Shadow, Chance, and Sassy, receive star billing in the film, but, in reality, Chance and Shadow were each played by four dogs, while Sassy was played by 10 cats.

Who was the voice of Chance in Homeward Bound?

Michael J. Fox
Two dogs named Chance (voice by Michael J. Fox) and Shadow (voice by Don Ameche) and a cat named Sassy (voice by Sally Field) are left behind when the family that owns them goes on vacation.

What kind of dog is Delilah?

In the Disney movie “Homeward Bound II,” the lovely Delilah is a Kuvasz.

Is Shadow the same dog in Homeward Bound 2?

Stand-In Pets and Supporting Players Ben, Rattler, and Tiki, the main animals portraying Shadow, Chance, and Sassy, receive star billing in the film, but, in reality, Chance and Shadow were each played by four dogs, while Sassy was played by 10 cats.