What it means to be nickel and dimed?

Definition of nickel-and-dime (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. 1 : to impair, weaken, or defeat piecemeal (as through a series of small incursions or excessive attention to minor details) 2 : to treat (a person or situation) by paying excessive attention to small amounts of money often with a detrimental effect.

What diming means?

dimmed; dimming. Definition of dim (Entry 2 of 4) transitive verb. 1 : to reduce the light from dim the headlights. 2 : to make dim or lusterless dimmed their hopes of an early settlement.

What is synonym and antonym of good?

ˈgʊd, gɪd) That which is pleasing or valuable or useful. Antonyms. bad unsoundness badness unworthiness undesirability rightness unpleasantness. quality desirableness welfare goodness better.

How do you use nickel-and-dime in a sentence?


  1. If we nickel-and-dime the problem now, we’ll regret it later.
  2. “Banks are trying to nickel-and-dime their customers with fees,” said Cohn, an analyst.
  3. Compared to your business, mine is a nickel-and-dime operation.
  4. It may be a small fee, but added together small fees will nickel-and-dime me to death.

What does it mean to call someone a nickel?

Nickel is a slang term for “five” of anything, especially a small bag of drugs costing five dollars or five-year prison sentence.

What is nickel and dining?

nick·el-and-dime (nĭk′əl-ən-dīm′) Informal. adj. 1. Involving or paying only a small amount of money: a nickel-and-dime job. 2.

Is it dim or dimmed?

verb (used with object), dimmed, dim·ming. to make dim or dimmer. to switch (the headlights of a vehicle) from the high to the low beam. verb (used without object), dimmed, dim·ming.

Where does the term nickel and diming come from?

First used in the late 1800s to mean a small amount of money, nickle-and-dime took on its adjective and verbal definitions in the early 1900s. Note that the Oxford English Dictionary lists that the proper spelling contains two hyphens.

What is another word for nickel-and-dime?

Synonyms for nickel-and-dime include petty, trivial, insignificant, slight, trifling, negligible, paltry, inconsiderable, minor and small. Find more similar words at

What is a nickel and a dime?

If you describe something as nickel and dime, you mean that it is not important or serious, or involves only small amounts of money. Note: A nickel is a five cent coin and a dime is a ten cent coin. I want to keep the campaign on the issues that matter. I’m not interested in that nickel and dime stuff.

Do nickels and dimes harm people?

If someone nickels and dimessomeone or something, they harm them by continually taking small amounts of money away from them, or by continually making small changes or requests. Note: A nickel is a five cent coin and a dime is a ten cent coin. The claims aren’t huge but there are a lot of them and it all adds up.

Are Airlines nickel and diming passengers to make ends meet?

Zagat surveyors reported that the major US airlines, facing high fuel costs, aging fleets and difficult labour relations, are ” nickel and diming ” passengers to make ends meet. Big dog learns new tricks: Mexican soft-drink king FEMSA is bigger than ever.