What race is Dave Strider?

it means that the idea of blank doesn’t exist, because this ‘blank’ character has been assigned a race. as rose and dave are biologically connected to bro—they are now half white. Blonde. you see, these characters have features that can be defined to fill in the gaps of their ‘blankness’.

Is Terezi blind?

Though she is blind, Terezi can “smell” and “taste” colors. She makes references to being able to “smell” the text of others while chatting online, clearly confusing the Homestuck Kids.

Is nepeta a cat Homestuck?

Nepeta roleplays as a two-mouthed feline anthropomorph (similar to Jade’s fascination with furry fandom). Her feline hunting roleplays are linked to her real-life routine.

Is Dave Strider from Texas?

It is the same building where Dave and his Bro live in the pre-scratch universe, and as such located in Houston, Texas.

Does Dave Strider have red eyes?

The most recent example I can think of is Dave Strider from Homestuck, so I’m going to start this post with a picture of his eyeball. You can that he’s got black pupils and his iris is a very bright, intense shade of red.

What is Terezi’s first password?

Timeline passwords

Password Instructions
“FL1P” “KNOCK H3R OUT! YOU C4N’T L3T M3 K1LL H3R.” Also stated that John should give his wallet to Terezi, which he did not have.

Who is Jade’s patron troll?

Thus Jade’s patron troll is Karkat.

How did Meulin go deaf?

One day, they fell asleep together. Kurloz then had a nightmare so terrifying, he released the most dreadful sound imaginable. It truly echoed the horror of the Vast Honk itself. The noise was so loud and so awful, Meulin went completely deaf, and her hearing never recovered.