What is the difference between EEG and video EEG?

A video EEG videotapes your child while the regular EEG is being done. The video recording is done over a longer period of time than a regular EEG. A video EEG can take from 6 hours to several days, depending on the information that is needed.

How do you perform an EEG?

Generally, an EEG procedure follows this process:

  1. You will be asked to relax in a reclining chair or lie on a bed.
  2. Between 16 and 25 electrodes will be attached to your scalp with a special paste, or a cap containing the electrodes will be used.
  3. You will be asked to close your eyes, relax, and be still.

What can video EEG diagnose?

Video EEG is most helpful to determine if seizures with unusual features are actually epilepsy, to identify the type of seizures, and to pinpoint the region of the brain where seizures begin. Locating the region precisely is essential if epilepsy surgery is being considered.

What happens during a video EEG?

The Video EEG Monitoring Test is a more specialized form of an EEG test in which the patient is constantly monitored over a video screen. This allows doctors to observe brainwave activity during the time a seizure or spell is occurring.

What do sharp waves on an EEG mean?

Spikes or sharp waves are terms commonly seen in EEG reports. If these happen only once in a while or at certain times of day, they may not mean anything. If they happen frequently or are found in specific areas of the brain, it could mean there is potentially an area of seizure activity nearby.

What is an EEG really like?

The EEG will look like a series of wavy lines. The lines will look different depending on whether you were awake or asleep during the test, but there is a normal pattern of brain activity for each…

What happens during a video EEG test?

The EEG leads are placed on your head with a special paste called collodion,just like with ambulatory EEG testing.

  • Usually,you are admitted to a room on the epilepsy monitoring unit where the EEG,audio and video recording can be done.
  • The electrodes are connected to a wire or cord that is attached to a cassette.
  • What does EEG reveal about the brain?

    The electroencephalogram (EEG) is a measure of brain waves. It is a readily available test that provides evidence of how the brain functions over time. The EEG is used in the evaluation of brain disorders. Most commonly it is used to show the type and location of the activity in the brain during a seizure. It also is used to evaluate people who are having problems associated with brain function.

    What is a 24 hour video EEG?

    In some EEG labs,a person may be monitored by EEG and video over a number of hours in one day.

  • Some centers can send video equipment home with someone having ambulatory EEG monitoring.
  • Due to safety risks,seizure medications are generally not lowered for EEG testing done outside of a hospital setting.