Is it legal to fly drones in Chicago?

You are legally allowed to fly a drone in Chicago, as long as you follow all FAA regulations for drone use, as well as a few Chicago-specific drone rules such as not flying over private property without authorization, and not flying over schools, places of worship, police stations, etc.

Can I fly a drone in a public park?

The general rule, fortunately for you, is that you are very much allowed to fly a drone in public parks without a lot of restrictions. As long as you abide by the general rules of flying a recreational drone, there should be no problem when you go to your nearby public park to fly your drone.

Is it illegal to fly a drone over private property in Illinois?

However, in the absence of federal or state regulations granting drones the right to fly over private property without the property owner’s permission, drones do not have the right to do so. Property owners may enforce their rights through tort law, and may bring trespass and invasion of privacy claims to do so.

Can you fly a drone over private property?

If you fly your drone low over someone’s land without their permission, you could be liable in trespass or nuisance, even if you do not personally go onto the land (although this is generally a civil rather than a criminal matter).

Where can I fly my drone in Illinois?

Fly at or below 400′ in controlled airspace (Class B, C, D, and E) with prior authorization by using LAANC or DroneZone. Fly at or below 400 feet in Class G (uncontrolled) airspace. Note: Drone flights may be prohibited in certain airspace or may require FAA authorization.

Can I fly a drone at Starved Rock State Park?

Please remember drones are not allowed at Starved Rock State Park! Thank you for understanding the importance of keeping wildlife safe and keeping nature enjoyable for those hiking the trails.

Can I fly a drone on a beach?

In general, the FAA does not have rules regarding drone flight at the beach. That means that you can fly your drone at the beach, provided that it’s not a national park, or restricted by local ordinances. Keep in mind that you still have to abide by the general rules set by the FAA regarding drones.

Can you fly a drone in an Illinois state park?

This park ordinance prohibits the operation of drones within any of the Park District properties, except when and where such use has been permitted by the special Parks Districts program or in designated areas.

Can I fly my drone around my neighborhood?

TLDR – There are no federal laws against flying a drone over private property as the FAA only regulates airspace above 400 feet. However, some areas have passed local or state laws to prohibit drones over private properties. Before navigating a drone over a residence, pilots should check local laws and regulations.

Where can I fly a drone downtown Chicago?

4 Best Spots To Fly Your Drone in Chicago

  1. Grant Park. Grant Park is a large park located in an urban area in the downtown area of Chicago.
  2. Promontory Point. Promontory Point is located in Class G airspace, which is uncontrolled airspace.
  3. Montrose Avenue Beach.
  4. Chicago Riverwalk.

Can you fly a drone at a state park in Illinois?