Is transatlanticism a concept album?
Is transatlanticism a concept album?
Transatlanticism is a concept album, examining the tension of long-distance romance.
What genre is transatlanticism?
Alternative/IndieTransatlanticism / Genre
When did Transatlanticism come out?
October 7, 2003Transatlanticism / Release date
What does the word transatlanticism mean?
The term “transatlanticism” was coined by Ben Gibbard to define the incomprehensible emotional gap between two lovers separated by comprehensible distances—the continental United States, an entire ocean, or, most likely, just a couple floors in your freshman dorm.
Is transatlanticism a word?
a word, phrase, or idiom in English that is common to both Great Britain and the United States. -Ologies & -Isms.
Is transatlanticism an emo?
“I consider everything [they] did up until Transatlanticism to be emo,” Alec continues. “So if you’re looking at the band through the lens of Plans and beyond, I get rejecting the emo label. ‘Soul Meets Body’ and ‘I’ll Follow You Into the Dark’ are fine songs, but they’re essentially Starbucks-core radio pop.”
What songs did Ben Gibbard write about Zooey Deschanel?
Like other tracks on the record, the song “El Dorado” was written in the wake of the divorce between Death Cab frontman Ben Gibbard and actress/musician Zooey Deschanel.
Is Zooey Deschanel married to Joseph Gordon Levitt?
Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a married—and not to Zooey Deschanel.
Is “Transatlanticism” a poem?
Second, DCfC’s “Transatlanticism” resembles a traditional poem as can be seen by examining the song’s descriptive imagery and enormous quantities. Gibbard starts off the poem by describing the conditions before the creation of the Atlantic Ocean.
What is Transatlanticism by Taylor Swift about?
Throughout its eleven tracks, Transatlanticism is a concept album exploring themes of isolation, sorrow, and long-distance romance. Lauren Viera at the Chicago Tribune categorized the album’s contents as “earnest love songs and bittersweet ballads.”
Is Death Cab Transatlanticism a good album?
As with previous Death Cab records, Transatlanticism was recorded entirely on analog tape, avoiding the convenience of digital technology, which was still new then. With the extra time taken in the studio, the fidelity of the album is of a considerably higher quality than previous efforts.
What year did Transatlanticism come out?
Transatlanticism was released on October 7, 2003, by Barsuk Records. It was released physically on compact disc, double-LP vinyl, and cassette; additionally, the record saw digital distribution on the iTunes Store, which had debuted that year.