Can you brew your own beer in Canada?

In Canada, provincial boards regulate home beer-making. The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario’s FAQ states: “You may make beer or wine at home as long as it is only for your personal consumption or to be given away free of charge. Homemade (or ‘u-brew’) beer or wine may not be sold or used commercially.

How long can you keep home brew beer in bottles?

Homebrew keeps well for about a year, and its flavor often continues evolving. The flavor tends to keep improving for a month or two after bottling, stays steady for several months, and then starts to deteriorate and turn stale after about 12 months.

Can you use plastic bottles for home brew beer?

Whether you choose glass or plastic, make sure that they are suitable. If they have previously contained carbonated liquids then they should be okay although some breweries are now using lightweight glass to keep costs down.

How do I legally sell my homebrew in Canada?

Homebrewing in Canada and BC is fine, with some exceptions. Do not sell it or serve it to anyone for any fee, and be sure to get a special occasion licence for any events that meet the requirements of the Liquor Act. The legislation surrounding homebrewing is, generally, a provincial or territorial issue.

Is Homebrew legal in Ontario?

As with any other jurisdiction in North American, the sale of homebrew is strictly illegal in Ontario.

Does Homebrew improve with age?

Yes, some beers can improve with age, but cellaring beer provides no guarantee that the beer will be any better than when it was fresh. True, the volatile compounds, like hop aroma, that make up flavors and aromas change when beer is aged.

Does homemade beer go bad?

Re: homebrew shelf life Typical rule of thumb is that it’s at its best within 6 months, still plenty drinkable at about 12 months, and then beyond that, it can begin tasting pretty stale. Of course this also depends on storage temperature. Beer stored at 70 F or more will taste like crap after 6 months.

What bottles can I use for homebrew?

There are several types of beer-compatible bottles on the market, but the most commonly used options include:

  • PET Bottles. New craft beer makers may want to start with a standard PET bottle as they become acquainted with the beer bottling process.
  • Oxygen Barrier PET Bottles.
  • Glass Long-Neck Bottles.
  • Glass Swing Top Bottles.

Why is beer not sold in plastic bottles?

“Plastic is simply not a good package for beer,” said Chuck Skypeck, the director of technical brewing projects at the Brewers Association. “The molecular structure of most plastics is not good at keeping carbonation in the package/product or keeping oxygen out to prevent staling.”

Where can I buy glass beer bottles in Toronto?

Toronto Brewing stocks glass beer bottles, PET plastic bottles, swing top “Grolsch-style” bottles and glass growlers for homebrewing, as well as, a variety of bottle caps and cappers. The glass swing-tops are particularly high quality, hold pressure and are great for homebrew and kombucha. Buy a case of 12 or more for volume discounts.

What kind of bottles do you use for homebrew?

Bottle your homebrew in our throwback EZ cap (Grolsch style) swing top bottles crafted of amber, cobalt, or clear glass. Northern Brewer also carries all the supplies you need to wash, sanitize, and store your beer bottles until you’re ready to use them.

Where can I buy a reusable beer bottle?

The glass long-necked bottle is a popular beer bottle. You can find it in any beer shop around your locality. This type of reusable bottle is designed with these specifications: Cap: You need a bottle capper to cap this

How to pick the perfect beer bottle for Your Home Brew?

Here’s everything you need to pick the perfect beer bottle for your hand-crafted home brew. These brand new empty beer bottles make bottling a snap. We generally recommend brown glass bottles because they will help protect your beer from the harmful effects (Skunking) of UV light, clear bottles do not give you this protection.