What are the 3 keys in Brownie Quest?

Throughout the Journey, girls will learn about, and earn, three keys. Those keys are the Discover Key, the Connect Key, and the Take Action Key, all leading up to the Brownie Quest Award.

What badges are required for brownies?

When my troop bridged to Brownies, I decided to start us off with the Legacy badges, which cover the core badge categories in Girl Scouting: Artist, Athlete, Citizen, Cook, First Aid, Naturalist, and Girl Scout Way.

What are Brownie journey patches?

Girl Scout Brownie awards and badges are a great way for a girl to explore her interests and learn new skills—and to remember every adventure and show the world what she’s accomplished.

What are the junior journeys?

The Get Moving Journey offers Juniors a chance to earn three prestigious Girl Scout Leadership awards- Energize, Investigate, and Innovate. The girls can choose to earn one, two, or all three. If they earn all three they’ll see how the awards join together to create an energizing effect on their vest or sash.

How do I complete the Brownie Quest?

To complete the Brownie QuestJourney, girls must earn four awards: Discover Key; Connect Key; Take Action Key; Brownie Quest Award. The Discover Key and Connect Key Awards prepare girls for their Take Action Project, which leads to the Take Action Key and ultimately the Brownie Quest Award.

What is a fling flyer?

What is a Fling Flyer? A fling flyer is basically a paper airplane built on dowel rod. The fling flyer takes a little more planning and work on the part of the Brownie Girl Scouts than the leap bot. However, your scouts can design and create a fling flyer in just a few minutes with a few simple supplies.

Can Brownies earn Daisy badges?

Also, don’t forget about Brownies earning their Bridging to Juniors badge. Many of the typical activities for Daisy petals can be an opportunity for Brownies to help out, too. Look at doing some Try-Its as well, if you don’t have a large troop and have access to the badges.

How do I get Rosie petal?

Here are 10 ways to earn your rose “Make the World a Better Place” Daisy Girl Scout petal:

  1. See a need and start a drive.
  2. Do a Random Act of Kindness Day.
  3. Donate used books to a library or a preschool.
  4. Clean up trash in a city park.
  5. Play this “Let’s Recycle” sorting game. (

How do you get Gloria petal?

Earning the Gloria Daisy Petal

  1. Talk about “Gloria’s Story”
  2. Invite an older Girl Scout to talk to your group about ways to respect yourself and others.
  3. Practice respecting yourself and others.