Are Waterbury clocks good?

Waterbury clocks remain very collectible today. There were over 600 models produced, and while some are more famous than others, all are still very high quality, especially if they’re in good condition.

How do you date a Waterbury clock?

You can date your antique Waterbury clock with its label. If the Label fades, use the Serial Number as an alternative.

Is Waterbury clock company still in business?

The company is now known as the Timex Group USA, and was for a time one of the world’s largest manufacturers of pocket watches.

When was the last Seth Thomas clock made?

On February 15, 1876 Randall T. Andrews, Jr., a Thomas relative and workman in the factory, received a patent on an improved mechanism. This was put into production and utilized on all later perpetual calendar clocks until the last model was dropped in 1917.

How can you tell how old a clock is?

The following are several additional things that will help with trying to identify or date an antique clock:

  1. Clock style.
  2. Type of clock glass, stenciling, hand style and fasteners.
  3. Type of strike movement, such as bell, chime rod or gong.
  4. Material of the dial, for example paper, ceramic, wood or tin.
  5. Serial number.

How do I date my Seth Thomas Clock?

Dating Seth Thomas Clocks Some early Seth Thomas clocks can be dated by the address of the printer (Elihu Geer) who printed the labels found inside. If your label is still intact, the printer’s name and address can be found in small print at the bottom of the label.

What does S and F mean on a clock?

The clock can be made to go faster or slower by means of the small square on the dial. Turning it toward F speeds up the clock, and turning it toward S slows it down. The regulating square is turned with the small end of the winding key.

What is the Waterbury Clock Company?

The Waterbury Clock Company wasn’t always a clockmaker. At first, its specialty was the manufacture of brass fittings. The long history of the giant brass clockmaker started in 1843 when its parent company Benedict & Burnham produced Brass parts.

How do I know if my Waterbury Clock is real?

All of the clock movements from Waterbury are properly engraved or even stamped with the name of the manufacturer, the date, and a patent marking from the Waterbury Clock Company. To make you know them well, the movements should have rounded corners and with brass.

Who made the first brass clock movements?

It was a subsidiary of Benedict & Burnham, a manufacturer of brass sheeting and buttons, among other brass products. By the 1840s, millions of brass clock movements were used by people, and they were also manufactured by various companies like Ansonia Clock Company, Seth Thomas, and Wm. L. Gilbert Clock Co.

When did Waterbury start making pocket watches?

In the 1880s and early 1890s, Waterbury added non-jeweled pocket watches to its product line. In the final decade of the 19th century, Waterbury was producing upwards of 20,000 clocks and watches a day, and was selling its output through Sears, Roebuck & Company and other retailers.