Where can I fossick for gems in Qld?

Fossicking in Queensland

  • Willows designated fossicking land.
  • Glenalva fossicking area.
  • Middle Ridge fossicking area.
  • Big Bessie fossicking area.
  • Graves Hill fossicking area.
  • Tomahawk Creek fossicking area.
  • Sapphire/Rubyvale designated fossicking land.

Can I use a sluice box in Qld?

Permitted tools and extent of diggings Hand tools such as picks, shovels, hammers, sieves, shakers, electronic detectors (metal detectors) and other similar tools can be used. No machinery is permitted. This includes water sluices with electronic pumps and dredges of any kind.

Can you fossick in creeks Qld?

Remember, no matter where you fossick, you must have a fossicking licence and follow fossicking rules. Fossicking is not permitted in national parks, conservation parks, wildlife reserves, state forests and state timber reserves.

Where can I dig for opals in Qld?

Queensland’s opal mining fields include the Yowah Field, Toompine Field, Quilpie Field, Kyabra-Eromanga Field, Bulgroo Field, Yaraka Field, Jundah Field, Opalton-Mayneside Field and the Kynuna Field. Boulder opal is abundant in rocks found in these locations.

Where can I go crystal hunting in Qld?

Fossicking in Queensland

  • Chinchilla petrified wood localities.
  • Thanes Creek fossicking area.
  • Deep Creek fossicking area.
  • Talgai State Forest fossicking area.
  • Swipers Gully topaz locality (closed until further notice)
  • Durikai State Forest fossicking area (southern area only closed until further notice)

How much is a fossicking licence in Qld?

Fossicking licence fees

Period Individual Family
1 month $8.80 excl. GST $12.60 excl. GST
6 months $33.40 excl. GST $42.85 excl. GST
1 year $56.25 excl. GST $75.15 excl. GST

How much is a fossicking permit in Queensland?

Where is Boulder opal found in Qld?

Boulder opal is unique to Queensland and is found in the mining belt stretching from Quilpie in the south west to Winton in the north of the State. There are a number of opal fossicking sites throughout Outback Queensland, particularly Opalton, Quilpie and Yowah.

Where are garnets in Queensland?

Garnet Fields Garnet in various forms can be found in many sites throughout Australia, two of the most prolific sites are the “Harts Range” area in the Northern Territory and Fullarton River in Queensland.