What is a blue water trawler?

This trawler has been designed especially for the discerning yachtsman, wanting a ship with an individual charactar and whose sailing area extends to coastal waters and open sea, while comfort and safety are the major importance.

What is the Great Loop boating?

The Great Loop is a continuous waterway that recreational mariners can travel that includes part of the Atlantic, Gulf Intracoastal Waterways, the Great Lakes, Canadian Heritage Canals, and the inland rivers of America’s heartland. Anyone who completes the journey is then named an official ‘Looper. ‘

How much fuel does it take to do the Great Loop?

555.08 gallons of fuel.

Can you do the Great Loop solo?

No problem! You absolutely CAN complete the Great Loop solo, regardless of the size of the boat.

What is a pocket trawler?

Pocket trawlers. They’re less than 30 feet, powered by a single diesel or a pair of outboards, and many are small enough to trailer without a permit. But don’t let the “pocket” label fool you. These are small boats for big dreams.

Can Production boats cross oceans?

In most cases, the answer is yes. Almost any well-prepared yacht of 30ft and upwards can tackle the downwind crossing, and indeed there is no reason why an even smaller boat can’t do it successfully.

What makes a boat ocean worthy?

To be seaworthy, a boat needs to be manageable in rough water. This includes being able to steer straight and not bow steer or yaw excessively running down-sea; not roll too badly in the trough; and run into waves at a decent clip (comfortably up on plane) without pounding.

Can you do the Great Loop without going into Canada?

and Canada are usually part of the Great Loop, although one route option keeps you within the U.S. borders. Some Loopers do a side trip to the Bahamas as well. Depending on route choices, you will go through at least 15 U.S. states and Canadian provinces, which may include: Florida.

What is a good boat for the Intracoastal Waterway?

The best boats to travel down the ICW are motorboats or sailboats with a mast no higher than 64′ or a keel not too much deeper than 5′. There’s a stretch of the ICW that will, however, allow boats with tall masts (over 64′) and deeper keels (7′ or so) running from Palm Beach to Fort Lauderdale.