What is the environmental act for NSW?

An Act to protect, restore and enhance the environment in NSW and to promote public access to information and involvement in environment protection. The Act: – Designates the EPA (Environment Protection Authority) as the regulatory authority.

What are the 3 things that the Environmental Protection Act does?

EPA works to ensure that:

  • Americans have clean air, land and water;
  • National efforts to reduce environmental risks are based on the best available scientific information;
  • Federal laws protecting human health and the environment are administered and enforced fairly, effectively and as Congress intended;

What does the Environmental Protection Act cover?

The Environmental Protection Act 1990 (EPA) brings together the system of integrated pollution prevention and control (IPPC) for raw material usage, waste avoidance (or minimisation), energy efficiency and the disposal of wastes to land, water and air.

What is the environmental act from the NSW EPA called?

Protection of the Environment Administration Act 1991 The overriding objective of the EPA is to protect, restore and enhance the quality of the environment in NSW, having regard to the need to maintain ecologically sustainable development.

What does the NSW EPA do?

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is the primary environmental regulator for NSW. The EPA partners with business, government and the community to reduce pollution and waste, protect human health, and prevent degradation of the environment.

What is the key piece of environmental legislation in NSW that your workplace must comply?

It’s important to make sure you comply with all environmental laws covering water, land, air, noise pollution and waste management, as outlined in the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (POEO Act).

What constitutes a statutory nuisance?

A statutory nuisance is not simply something that annoys you – it is something that causes a serious and unreasonable interference with your right to enjoy your property, or damages your health in terms of the threat of disease, rather than the risk of injury. Statutory nuisance is a criminal offence.

How many parts of the Environmental Protection Act are there?

What does the Act cover? The Act originally had nine parts, but Part I (pollution control), Part IIA (contaminated land), Part V (radioactive substances) and Part VII (nature conservation) have been replaced by later legislation.

What are the four acts of Parliament that relate to the protection of the environment?

Export Controls; The Corporations Power; The Endangered Species Protection Act; and. The National Strategy for Ecologically Sustainable Development.

What is the role of the EPA in Australia?

What is the purpose of the EPA? The EPA is South Australia’s primary environmental regulator. Its mission is to manage and influence human activities to protect, restore and enhance the environment and to support human wellbeing.
