Who is Mrs Cook in Fever 1793?

Lucille runs the Cook Coffeehouse in Philadelphia with the assistance of Mattie and Eliza. Lucille grew up in a wealthy family during the Revolutionary War and eloped with Mattie’s father, a carpenter; she was disowned as a result.

What happened to the Cook coffeehouse in Fever 1793?

Once recovered, Matilda and Grandfather return to the city where they unfortunately find the coffeehouse completely ransacked by looters and thieves.

How did Mattie Cook change in Fever 1793?

She grows more independent as she survives on her own, taking in an orphan, Nell, and assisting Eliza with relief work. After the epidemic, Mattie reopens the coffeehouse, taking on Eliza as her partner.

Who is Mattie Cook?

Matilda (Mattie) Cook Fourteen-year-old Matilda “Mattie” Cook is the teenage protagonist of a young adult novel. This means that over the course of Fever, 1793 she’s going to be coming of age, searching for her identity, and learning what it means to be an adult.

How old is Lucille Cook?

In Fever 1793, Lucille is in her early to mid-thirties. She ran away with her husband when she seventeen years old and most likely had a child soon… See full answer below.

Who was Mrs Flagg?

Mrs. Bridget Flagg is one of the caretakers at Bush Hill, the mansion converted into a fever hospital where Matilda and her grandfather take refuge (Chapter 14). She has a slight flirtation with Matilda’s grandfather.

What historical event sparked an increase in Matilda’s family business?

What historical event sparked an increase in Matilda’s family business? A huge battle took place during the War of Independence right outside the business, making it a historical landmark.

How old is the cook from Matilda?

Matilda (Mattie) Cook Fourteen-year-old Matilda “Mattie” Cook is the teenage protagonist of a young adult novel. This means that over the course of Fever, 1793 she’s going to be coming of age, searching for her identity, and learning what it means to be an adult.

What happened to Lucille Cook in Fever 1793?

When Lucille returns to Philadelphia at the end of the novel, she is severely weakened by her suffering and must lean on Mattie for survival. The Fever 1793 quotes below are all either spoken by Lucille Cook (“Mother”) or refer to Lucille Cook (“Mother”).

Is the Fever 1793 litchart available as a printable?

Get the entire Fever 1793 LitChart as a printable PDF. “My students can’t get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof.” -Graham S.

What happened to Lucille Cook in the Cook?

Lucille runs the Cook Coffeehouse in Philadelphia with the assistance of Mattie and Eliza. Lucille grew up in a wealthy family during the Revolutionary War and eloped with Mattie’s father, a carpenter; she was disowned as a result. Lucille was widowed after her husband fell off a ladder when Mattie was four.

Who is the mother in the Fever 1793?

The Fever 1793 quotes below are all either spoken by Lucille Cook (“Mother”) or refer to Lucille Cook (“Mother”). For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one: ).