What does slated to do something mean?

be slated. to be expected to happen in the future or to be expected to be or do something in the future: [ + to infinitive ] Jeff is slated to be the next captain of the team.

What does slated to go mean?

slated to do something scheduled to do something . (*Typically: be ~; have someone ~.) Mary is slated to go to Washington in the fall. We are slated to leave in November. See also: schedule, slate, to.

Is slated to in a sentence?

Slated Sentence Examples It was four thirty, and she was slated to leave at five. Has confirmed that she will be starring in the movie Be With You, slated for release sometime in 2009. Voting is slated to begin on February 1, 2010.

What does slated mean in slang?

to criticize someone
slated. past participle. slated. DEFINITIONS2. ​often passive​British​informalto criticize someone or something severely, especially in public.

Which is the closest synonym for the word slated?

synonyms for slated

  • contracted.
  • engaged.
  • reserved.
  • billed.
  • lined up.
  • locked-in.

What is a sentence for slate?

1) The sea was the colour of slate. 2) The walls were mostly slate. 3) The leadership want to present a single slate of candidates to be approved in an open vote. 4) The senator has not got a full slate of delegates in New York.

What does slate mean in writing?

Definition of slate writing : a spiritualistic or conjuring performance in which writing is mysteriously done upon a slate.

What is a slate in business?

SLATES (Search, Links, Authorship, Tags, Extensions, Signalling) is an initialism that describes the business impacting capabilities, derived from the effective use of Web 2.0 technologies in and across enterprises.

Does slated mean scheduled?

Definition of slate 2 : to designate (someone or something) for a specified purpose or action occurring especially at a fixed time was slated to direct the play The new model is slated [=scheduled] for release early next year. slate.

What does slated to debut mean?

: to make a first appearance or a formal entrance into society : to make a debut. transitive verb. : to present to the public for the first time : introduce debut a new product.

What is the synonym of earmarked?

devoted, gave up (to), reserved, saved, set by.

What is the synonym of projected?

In this page you can discover 78 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for projected, like: externalized, jutting, projecting, protruding, relieved, sticking, sticking-out, jutted, protruded, designed and contrived.