Was Erin Brockovich a true story?
Was Erin Brockovich a true story?
The film is a dramatization of the true story of Erin Brockovich, portrayed by Julia Roberts, who fought against the energy corporation Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) regarding its culpability for the Hinkley groundwater contamination incident.
How accurate was the movie Erin Brockovich?
The movie, Erin Brockovich, was very accurate in comparison to the real life event. Brockovich herself even said, “The movie was true and probably 98% accurate”. In the movie, Erin was able to tell you anything at any time about all of the 634 Hinkley residents affected by PG&E Company.
Why is Erin Brockovich rated R?
Erin Brockovich [2000] [R] – 3.1. 8 | Parents’ Guide & Review | Kids-In-Mind.com. SEX/NUDITY 3 – A few instances of sexual innuendo and some kissing. We see a women in a bra and an unbuttoned shirt standing and talking to a man lying in a bed; later we see them kissing and talking in bed (he’s shirtless).
Is Hinkley CA still contaminated?
“At some point in the next few years we’re going to get some closure,” Banks said. But today there’s little left in Hinkley beyond some scattered homes and acres of alfalfa and other grasses, planted to help clean the contamination. “You had a great community out here and now it’s gone,” said resident Roger Killian.
How many swear words are in Erin Brockovich?
Crude or Profane Language: Here’s the big rub for Erin Brockovich. Nearly 50 f- and s-words make the film’s otherwise clever dialogue intolerable. Erin’s fondness for the f-word becomes central to her character.
Did Erin Brockovich ever marry?
Brockovich has three children: a son Matthew and a daughter Katie from her first marriage to Shawn Brown, and a daughter Elizabeth “Beth” from her second marriage to Steven Brockovich. Her third husband was an actor and country music DJ, Eric L. Ellis.
Are Erin Brockovich and George still together?
The character George–the biker boyfriend played by Aaron Eckhart–was based on Erin Brockovich-Ellis’s Mexican-American biker boyfriend Jorge. Erin and Jorge did break up, but he did not leave her life.
Who is Erin Brockovich’s husband?
Eric L. Ellism. 1999
Steven Brockovichm. 1989–1990Shawn Brownm. 1982–1987
Erin Brockovich/Husband
Who is Erin Brockovich married to now?
Erin Brockovich/Spouse
Her third husband was an actor and country music DJ, Eric L. Ellis. As of 2016, Brockovich resides in Agoura Hills, California, in a house she purchased in 1996 with her US$2.5 million bonus after the Hinkley settlement.
Who played George in Erin Brockovich movie?
Aaron Eckhart
Julia Roberts received an unprecedented salary for her lead role, making her the first woman to break the $20m barrier. The character George–the biker boyfriend played by Aaron Eckhart–was based on Erin Brockovich-Ellis’s Mexican-American biker boyfriend Jorge.