How do you use Trotzdem in German?

To make it easier for you, just remember, here’s a simple rule: if you would use although in English, put obwohl in German, and if you would use however in English, use trotzdem in German. Es regnet. Trotzdem gehen wir spazieren. (It’s raining, however we go for a walk.)

What case is Trotzdem?

the genitive case
A few German prepositions are governed by the genitive case. That is, they take an object in the genitive case. There are only a few common genitive prepositions in German, including: (an)statt (instead of), außerhalb/innerhalb (outside/inside of), trotz (in spite of), während (during) and wegen (because of).

What is the meaning of Sondern in English?

Both “aber” and “sondern” are coordinating conjunctions that link two main clauses without changing the word order in a German sentence. While “aber” is used in the same way as the English “but”, “sondern” must be preceded by a sentence with a negation. It translates as “but rather” Or “but instead”.

How do you use Deshalb in a sentence?

Example: Sie will den Sonnenuntergang sehen, deshalb ist sie jetzt am Strand. She wants to see the sunset, so she’s at the beach right now.

How do you use Deswegen in German?

This means that “deswegen” means the same as “wegen des + noun”. Besides, you should be aware that the sentence which follows this conjunction follows the scheme: “deswegen” + Verb + subject… Example: Das Wetter war schlecht, deswegen konnte ich nicht schwimmen gehen.

How do I use Wahrend?

Während is used to reference to simultaneous events/actions that have happened over a span of time. Whereby the secondary sentence describes a continuous action, the main sentence describes an action within the time period specified in the secondary sentence. In the secondary sentence the verb always stands at the end.

How do you use Weil?

To use the subordinating conjunction, ‘weil’, you have to remember that it is a verb kicker. This means that it changes the order in which a verb is placed in a sentence. Normally, the verb always comes second, but when ‘weil’ is used, the verb gets kicked to the end of the sentence. For example,Schokolate ist lecker.

How do you use darum?

The adverb darum, depending upon its context in a sentence, most commonly has a topical meaning as “about,” almost always in conjunction with the verb gehen: Es ging eigentlich darum, Wohnraum zu schaffen in der Stadt. It was actually about creating living spaces in the city.

What is the difference between Deshalb and Deswegen?

Deshalb and deswegen are essentially interchangeable. Their difference in meaning is very slight: you can think of deswegen as being more literally “because of that” and deshalb as being more like “therefore.” Generally, you can choose to use one or the other based on your own preference.