Who played the jive talkers in airplane?

After the movie was over, the audience got treated to a special appearance by Al White, the actor who played one of the jive talking passengers in the satirical comedy (to be more specific, he was the one with the beard).

Who said I speak jive in the movie Airplane?

Randy : I’m sorry, I don’t understand. First Jive Dude : Cutter say ‘e can’t HANG! Jive Lady : Oh, stewardess! I speak jive.

Was Samuel Jackson on a plane?

Cast. Samuel L. Jackson as Agent Neville Flynn, an FBI agent assigned to protect Sean Jones on his flight to Los Angeles. Julianna Margulies as Claire Miller, a flight attendant.

Is June Cleaver still living?

Barbara Billingsley, who as June Cleaver on the television series “Leave It to Beaver” personified a Hollywood postwar family ideal of the ever-sweet, ever-helpful suburban stay-at-home mom, died Saturday. She was 94.

What does speaking jive mean?

Definition of jive 1 : to talk in a foolish, deceptive, or unserious way : to talk jive (see jive entry 1 sense 1) He’s just jiving.

Can snakes survive on a plane?

Loose snakes in the cabin or cockpit are unlikely for very large airplanes. In tropical areas finding a snake or rodent tucked away in the wheel well areas outside the plane before departure is a continual and uncomfortable possibility.

Did June Cleaver ever wear pants?

“I only wore trousers one time on the show, for a gardening scene. I don’t know why they didn’t allow it more often because I used to wear pants at home. But they just didn’t want June Cleaver to wear the pants in the house,” she says.

Is jive the same as Ebonics?

1 Answer. Show activity on this post. The “jive style of slang” is a dialect of English, most commonly known as African-American Vernacular English. Americans might have heard in the 90s about Ebonics, which is the same thing.