How do you make a male voice into a female?

Part 2: Best Male to Female Voice Changer Apps for iPhone and Android

  1. Girls Voice Changer.
  2. Voice Changer Voice Recorder Editor & Effect.
  3. VoiceFX.
  4. Voice Changer.
  5. Voice Changer – Audio effects.
  6. Magic Call App.
  7. Voice Changer and Sound Recorder.
  8. Super Voice Editor.

How can I change my male voice to female online?

LingoJam LingoJam is a free online voice changer that can help you change your voice from male to female or from female to male. No download is required. Just input an audio clip, then adjust the voice settings according to your needs, and then you can quickly get a voice-changed audio file.

Is it possible to change your voice?

Your voice can be altered surgically so that it no longer makes low pitched sounds. This is called voice feminization surgery or feminization laryngoplasty. During voice feminization surgery, the voice box is made smaller and the vocal cords are shortened. Trans women sometimes undergo this procedure.

How can I make my voice more manly?

Try speaking through your mouth, rather than your nose. It’s possible to get a deep nasal voice, but it sounds more masculine if you speak through your mouth. To deepen your voice, you’ll want to try and lower your pitch. To do this, relax your throat as much as possible, to avoid tightening your vocal cords.

Can a female sound like a male?

For women with a voice that sounds like a man, it could be because of the size and thickness of their vocal cords, in which case, they’ll need to develop full resonance too, to make their voice sound warmer, an essential quality of a female voice.

How can I change my voice to sound like a girl?

Try swallowing: that movement brings the apple up, and once you do so, you may be able to find it with your fingers. When speaking like that, you can try to make your voice come from your throat instead of your chest, and thus it shall sound more feminine.

Can we change your voice naturally?

The sound of your voice is determined by the size of your vocal cords and other physiological factors. While it’s not possible to completely alter your voice from high to low or vice versa, there are techniques you can try to make slight changes to your pitch and volume and bring out the best in your natural voice.

How can I deepen my voice?

To talk with a deeper voice, relax your throat and try to speak through your mouth instead of your nose. It also helps if you speak slowly and breathe from your diaphragm. Also, get in the habit of swallowing before you speak, which will make you talk in a deeper voice.

What is a voice for men?

A Voice for Men hosts radio shows, has a forum and posts articles on its website. It occasionally features groups. AVFM’s staff members and contributors are unpaid volunteers with the exception of the founder.

How to feminize Your Voice?

• Try to mimic different feminine personality; it can help you get quicker results in feminizing your voice. Pitch: The trick is to make sure you don’t sound too high or too low.

Why is it important to have a feminine voice in crossdresser?

Having a feminine voice makes up for a lot in transforming into a girl. If you don’t have a feminine voice, you will be missing out a lot in your overall crossdresser persona. Voice carries a large part in people perceiving you. If you are dressed crossdresser but you don’t have a sweet, girly voice then people won’t take you seriously.

What happens if you don’t have a feminine voice?

Having a feminine voice makes up for a lot in transforming into a girl. If you don’t have a feminine voice, you will be missing out a lot in your overall crossdresser persona. Voice carries a large part in people perceiving you.