What is HTTP and XMPP?

CCS (XMPP) is asynchronous, which means it should be faster than HTTP. It also uses the existing GCM connection on the device to send messages from your app to your server (which saves battery, since you don’t have to open your own connection to your server).

Is XMPP deprecated?

The XMPP functionality is no longer available and is deprecated in Skype for Business Server 2019.

Which is the weakness of XMPP?

Drawbacks or disadvantages of XMPP protocol ➨It does not have QoS mechanism as used by MQTT protocol. ➨Streaming XML has overhead due to text based communication compare to binary based communication. ➨XML content transports asynchronously. ➨Server may overload with presence and instant messaging.

Is XMPP Federated?

Right! There is a federated chat network running on XMPP, consisting of thousands of servers owned by enterprises, hosting companies, and individual users.

Is XMPP end to end encrypted?

There are two main end-to-end encryption schemes in common use in the XMPP ecosystem, Off-the-Record (OTR) messaging (Current Off-the-Record Messaging Usage (XEP-0364) [1]) and OpenPGP (Current Jabber OpenPGP Usage (XEP-0027) [2]).


The original and “native” transport protocol for XMPP is Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), using open-ended XML streams over long-lived TCP connections. As an alternative to the TCP transport, the XMPP community has also developed an HTTP transport for web clients as well as users behind restricted firewalls.

Who still uses XMPP?

Projects using XMPP Social

Users Company Use
~500 million Apple Push Notifications
Catapush Push Notifications

What are two of the more important benefits of using XMPP for instant messaging and presence?

XMPP offers several key advantages over such services: Open — the XMPP protocols are free, open, public, and easily understandable; in addition, multiple implementations exist in the form of clients, servers, server components, and code libraries.

Is XMPP a p2p?

Jingle, the XMPP framework for establishing p2p sessions, makes for a great pairing with WebRTC. Because WebRTC is a peer-to-peer protocol, multi-user experiences become exponentially complex. Pairing a WebRTC service with XMPP allows developers to dramatically reduce this complexity.