What does Hakoom do for a living?

If that sounds like it doesn’t sync up with the obsessive gaming schedule you’d imagine for the world’s Platinum leader, Hakoom explained how his job at a large financial company gives him the flexibility he needs. He takes his Vita to work for moments when he gets bored, and at times, he’s even taken his PS4 with him.

How many platinums does Hakoom have?

The veteran – who has 2,687 Platinum Trophies at the time of typing, and earns around 1,000 Trophies every month – is no stranger to level caps, having maxed out the previous level limit of 100 for many years.

What is the world’s highest Gamerscore?

2,000,000 Gamerscore
While Cox reached 2,000,000 Gamerscore, a world record, in late 2018, he no longer holds the Guinness World Record for the highest Xbox Gamerscore….Ray Cox (gamer)

Ray Cox
Years active 2006–present
Known for Xbox Gamerscore

What is Stallion83 Gamerscore?

, known online as Stallion83, is a video game player known for his high Xbox Gamerscore, points for completing in-game challenges known as achievements.

How old is Hakoom?

A-Hakam AKA Hakoom is a familiar name in the PlayStation network. The 34 years old Bahraini gamer started to collect trophies on PlayStation since 2008 and never gave up.

Who has the highest PSN level?


Rank PSN Name Level
1 ikemenzi (イケメンジ) 1920
2 Roughdawg4 1889
3 ViensDanser 1886
4 caro3c-gabber9 1816

What is the average GamerScore?

Microsoft has divulged that the average Xbox LIVE gamerscore is 11,286, while the highest gamerscore is at 540k.

What is considered a lot of Gamerscore?

Microsoft has revealed that the average Xbox LIVE user has a gamerscore of 11,286. Interesting, but the highest gamerscore stands at over 540k!

What is the hardest platinum trophy to get?

Perhaps the most difficult trophy to unlock, however, is Emperor!, which requires players to beat out the rest of their peers in a grueling five-day campaign to become the Emperor of Tamriel.

Do trophies matter PS4?

Collecting trophies is entirely optional. Many people find them enjoyable to work towards, but if you don’t care about them, they don’t affect gameplay in any way.