How do you get the elevator key in Outlast?

Eventually, you’ll find another shaft entrance to get you through. You’ll see a way into a bathroom, but inside you’ll only find a folder with documents. After leaving it, use the suggested path to reach a large room with double doors on the right. Go through them to find an elevator key.

Where is the keycard in Outlast?

Directly opposite you is room A114. Enter the room and head towards the corpse in the corner. On his shirt you’ll find the security Keycard.

Where is the key outside Outlast?

Outside, go straight ahead, then left by the fountain. The gardens hide another document folder (on the stairs to the right of the fountain). Find an outhouse and go inside. You’ll find two batteries and a key.

What to do after you turn on the generator in Outlast?

Go past the generator and through the door on the right, by the stairs. You’ll find the first pump, so start it and hide in a locker. In a second, one the enemies will come in and check one of the lockers (pray it’s not yours), and then leave. When it’s clear, move to the next room and start the second pump.

Are elevator keys universal?

The universal master key is compatible with every elevator in North America, Australia, Tuvalu, Guam, and the Maldives. The elevator master key has been “professional cut” to appear to conform to the requirements of section 8.1 of ASME A17.

How do you open the door in Outlast?

First we have to look at how to open a door in Outlast. A simple mouse click with the left mouse button is enough to quickly open the door. The left mouse button is pressed for a long time. Here you can open the door slowly.

Who is the main character in Outlast?

In Outlast, the player assumes the role of investigative journalist Miles Upshur, as he navigates a dilapidated psychiatric hospital in Leadville, Colorado that is overrun by homicidal patients. The game is played from a first-person perspective and features some stealth gameplay mechanics.

What is the most common elevator key?

The most common keys are single cut keys, double cut keys, tubular keys and drop keys. Some of the lesser common keys are triangle keys, U keys, and V keys. Some elevator companies have their own keys made by key companies, and other elevator companies use keys already created by key companies.

What is a Firemans key?

Fireman Drop Key. The Fire Control boxes offer Emergency Fire and other authorised and key-holding personnel the opportunity to over ride any locking device fitted via Fire Drop Key allowing immediate access to area’s in a Emergency Situation. Category: EDR. FAQ.