How do I stop food from growing in my beard?

Before you take a bite of food, push your chin and jaw forward, and curl your lips outward. Your lips will act as a bib, while the position of your chin and jaw will help tuck your beard in so that food lands straight down rather than into your facial hair.

Can you serve food with a beard?

Yes you can have a beard as long as it’s maintained. Yes you can but when handling anything in the back you must wear a hair net. Any facial hair must be groomed and kept short to prevent shedding.

How do you eat with a mustache?

Using your pointer finger and thumb, go underneath your moustache and gently lift it up, or moving from the center out, part your moustache before taking a bite. The “Upper Class”: Simply put, grab a fork and a knife and cut up all your food into bite-sized morsels. Triple points for top hats, and a styled moustache.

Can cooks have beards?

Can Chefs Have Beards? Chefs can have beards and many choose to. The food standards agency advises that hair nets are worn to cover the beard. However, in most kitchens this is not followed and doesn’t present a food hygiene risk.

Should Waiters be clean-shaven?

For example, keeping your nails short will help keep them clean and so will using a nail brush before each shift. But back to you hair, make sure it’s kept under control. And as for facial hair, some restaurants may prefer that their waiters are clean-shaven whilst others accept a well-maintained beard.

Should mustache cover upper lip?

The mustache should partially cover the upper lip, but the hair should not be in your mouth. Use Beard Trimming Scissors to trim longer hairs. Trim the edges of the mustache, so they don’t extend lower than the corners of your mouth. Any lower than that, and you’ll be entering horseshoe mustache territory.

How do people eat with a mustache?

How do you drink beer with a mustache?

Keep your glorious ‘stache from being covered in a thick coat of foam by drinking your brew with the mustache beer guard. Once placed over the glass, this brass guard shields your whiskers so that you can enjoy your drink without worrying about a foamstache.

How do you drink with a big mustache?

Mustache Guard: This specially designed tool allows you to drink from any glass or mug while protecting your mustache from getting in the way. The mustache guard is a portable mustache dam that you can attach to your key chain and take with you to your favorite bar or restaurant.