Is gold tip a good arrow?

Hunter PROs There are many archers who think that Hunter PRO Arrows are the best Gold Tips made. They have an incredible straightness tolerance of +/- . 001 of an inch, which, as I’ve written elsewhere, is a marvel of modern manufacturing. That’s incredible.

What size shaft is gold tip Hunter XT?

Shaft length: 32”. Straightness tolerance: +/- . 003”.

What is the difference between gold tip Hunter and Hunter XT?

Registered. The GT Hunter, Hunter XT, and Hunter Pro all come off the same production line. They are all the same arrow. Once quality standards are measured on each shaft, they are then labeled as standard, XT, or Pro based on straightness and weight variance.

What spine is gold tip 7595?

The 7595 are actually a 340 spine.

Where are Gold Tip arrows made 2021?

Bushnell Outdoor Products , a worldwide leader in sports optics and outdoor accessories, and MidOcean Partners, a leading middle market private equity fund, today announced Bushnell has acquired arrow and archery product manufacturer Gold Tip, based in Orem, Utah.

Are Gold Tip arrows Made in USA?

Gold tip arrow factory is in Orem Utah. Been there, and know the guys personally. Same with Easton, being in Salt Lake. Both are made IN AMERICA.

What size field tips for Gold Tip arrows?

Field Point Size Chart

Field Point Recommendation According to Arrow Brand and Shaft Size
Arrow Brands Shaft Size Field Point Sizes Recommended
Gold Tip™
· Pro, XT, Expedition Hunter, Traditional, 340, 400, 500, 600 19/64, 5/16, 20/64
· Velocity Pro, XT, Expedition 300, 400, 500 19/64, 5/16, 20/64

How many grains is a gold tip Hunter XT 340?

8.9 grains
Weight: 8.9 grains (340), 8.2 (400)

What spine arrow should I shoot?

Gold Tip’s spine chart recommends an arrow with a 500-spine rating, assuming the arrow carries a 100-grain point. Take that same 50-pound bow, but increase the arrow length to 30 inches, and the chart calls for a 400 spine.

What grain arrow should I shoot?

If you want to target practice, you want the arrow to weigh in total (shaft, vanes, insert, nock and field point combined) around 5 to 6 grain per pound of draw weight. So if your bow has 60 lbs. of draw, you want to use arrows that weigh in total between 300 and 360 grain.

Who owns Gold Tip arrows?

Bushnell Outdoor Products
Bushnell Outdoor Products , a worldwide leader in sports optics and outdoor accessories, and MidOcean Partners, a leading middle market private equity fund, today announced Bushnell has acquired arrow and archery product manufacturer Gold Tip, based in Orem, Utah.

What arrows are made in the USA?

Easton Arrows Made in USA Since 1922 Since their introduction in 2004, AXIS arrows have emerged as the best all-around arrow for bowhunters looking for the most reliable results in taking down big game.