How do I install an OVA file on a Mac?

First, install VirtualBox application:

  1. Under “VirtualBox platform packages”, click “OS hosts”.
  2. Under “VirtualBox Oracle VM Extension Pack”, click “All supported platforms”
  3. Locate the 2 downloaded files in your folder, and open the first file VirtualBox-6.1.10-138449-OSX.dmg.

How do I import a virtual machine image into VirtualBox?

You need both the ovf and the vmdk file.

  1. Choose File >> Import Appliance.
  2. Navigate to the ovf file.
  3. Change settings (optional)
  4. Click Done.

How do I open an OVA file on my Macbook?

Select File > Import. Click Choose file and browse to the . ovf or . ova file and click Open.

How do I install an OVA file in VirtualBox?

Using OVA Files with VirtualBox

  1. Download and install VirtualBox if you don’t have it already.
  2. Open VirtualBox and select File > Import Applianceā€¦
  3. Now, select your OVA file in the import box and verify the settings in the center window.
  4. Make any changes if you need to in that center window.
  5. Click Import at the bottom.

How do I import a VM image?

On the Updates tab, select Hosts > Image. Click the horizontal ellipsis icon and select Import.

How do I install a VDI file in VirtualBox?

How to open a VDI file

  1. Place your VDI file in VirtualBox’s HardDisks directory.
  2. Open VirtualBox and create a new virtual machine that uses the same operating system as your VDI file.
  3. When asked to provide a hard disk image, select Use existing hard disk.
  4. In the Virtual Media Manager window, select Add.

How do I import an OVA?

How do I install an OVA file?

Procedure to Install an OVA

  1. Login using the vSphere client to the vSphere server (or vCenter Server) where the Delphix Engine will be installed.
  2. In the vSphere Client, click File.
  3. Select Deploy OVA Template.
  4. Browse to the OVA file.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Select a hostname for the Delphix Engine.

How do I enable hardware virtualization on a Mac?

Instead of booting into Windows by holding the option key on startup, boot in to OS X. Then go to System Preferences -> Startup Disk and choose your Boot Camp partition. The computer will restart and boot into Windows, with virtualization enabled.