How is Belle from Beauty and the Beast a hero?

She makes a choice to save Beast, not once, but twice. Her compassion comes from her ability to see past the small-mindedness of her village and she chooses to exercise that compassion. Her bravery combined with her compassion and intelligence make for the best kind of hero.

Is Belle a princess or queen?

1 Answer. Show activity on this post. Belle was never a queen in the original films, was a peasant and as far as we know, never married Beast, and would unlikely be accepted as the queen of France, as Beast was not the King of France, but simply the prince.

Does Belle have a daughter?

Basing her on the heroine of Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont’s 1756 fairy tale “Beauty and the Beast”, Woolverton adapted Belle into a stronger and less passive character for the film….Belle (Beauty and the Beast)

Family Maurice (father)
Spouse Beast
Children Ben (Descendants)
Nationality French

How old is Belle and the Beast?

17Belle / Age

What is Belle afraid of?

However, like any human, Belle does fear things, such as wolves, Beast’s castle, family disappearance, etc. The Beast also at first, manages to make the situation of her predicament as a prisoner, never to see her father or dreams again, come crushing down in tears.

Is Belle Jane a grandmother?

2. Belle from Beauty and the Beast is the grandmother of Jane Porter from Tarzan. Disney movies are known for their Easter eggs and one of them confirms that Belle from Beauty and the Beast and Jane Porter from Tarzan are related.

Are Belle and Jane related?

Belle from Beauty and the Beast is the grandmother of Jane Porter from Tarzan. Disney movies are known for their Easter eggs and one of them confirms that Belle from Beauty and the Beast and Jane Porter from Tarzan are related.

When was Belle born?

In the beginning to the original 1989 storyline, found on the Diamond Edition DVD, Belle’s birthday is celebrated and on the cake it says “Happy 17th Birthday Belle”, providing evidence that she is 17 in the movie, or at least that she was originally planned to be 17.

How old was Belle when she married Beast?

Belle is only 17 years old when she falls in love with the Beast.