When should you not perform DRE?


  • Absence of anus.
  • Immunosuppressed patient.
  • Imperforate anus.
  • Prolapsed thrombosed internal hemorrhoids.
  • Stricture.
  • Severe anal pain.
  • Unwilling patient.

What is a perianal mass?

Summary. A perianal adenoma (also known as circumanal adenoma and hepatoid adenoma) is a common tumor that arises from the sebaceous glands surrounding the anus. It’s so common that it accounts for 80% of all tumors that occur in the perianal area.

What conditions are associated with Melena?

Melena strongly suggests, and hematemesis confirms, that bleeding is of upper gastrointestinal origin. In this situation, seek historical evidence for common causes such as peptic ulcer, cirrhosis with esophageal or gastric varices, gastritis, esophagitis, Mallory–Weiss tears, and malignancy.

What does anoscope feel like?

An anoscopy is usually a painless procedure, but you may feel pressure or an urge to have a bowel movement. If you have hemorrhoids, there may be a small amount of bleeding. It’s important to relax and tell your doctor how you’re feeling. If a biopsy is taken, you may feel a slight pinch.

How accurate is DRE exam?

The sensitivity and specificity for DRE as a predictor of prostate cancer in symptomatic patients was 28.6 and 90.7%, respectively. The positive and negative predictive values were 42.3 and 84.2%, respectively.

What does Perirectal mean?

surrounding the rectum
Medical Definition of perirectal : of, relating to, occurring in, or being the tissues surrounding the rectum a perirectal abscess.

What is a Perirectal lesion?

Perianal lesions are those that can be completely visualized without buttock traction within a 5 cm radius of the anal opening. Skin lesions are those that fall outside the 5 cm radius of the anal opening.

What is the most common cause of melena?

Melena often results from damage to the upper GI tract lining, swollen blood vessels, or bleeding disorders. The most common cause of melena is peptic ulcer disease, in which painful ulcers or sores develop in the stomach or small intestine.

What are the symptoms of melena?

Melena causes black, tarry stools that are easy to distinguish from the brighter red associated with hematochezia. The blood is usually jet-black, similar to ink from a black ballpoint pen. Your stools might also look or feel sticky. This blood is darker because it has to travel farther down your GI tract.