What happened to the Lockerbie plane?

December 21, 1988 Pan Am Flight 103 exploded into pieces almost instantaneously when a bomb in the forward cargo area exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland, at 7:03 p.m. local time at an altitude of 31,000 feet after 38 minutes of flight. The plane had taken off from London-Heathrow and was en route to John F.

Who was responsible for the Pan Am flight?

Title slide: The bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 and the ensuing trial laid the groundwork for the development of the FBI’s Victim Services Division. Title slide: Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi was convicted on January 31, 2001, for his role in the bombing.

How many bodies were recovered from Lockerbie?

There was no sign of life. We looked inside and there were several bodies in there but you just knew that none of them were alive. “There were bodies all over our farm. We later found out 98 bodies landed in our farm that night.”

Who put the bomb on Pan Am 103?

In 2001, after an investigation that involved interviewing 15,000 people and examining 180,000 pieces of evidence, Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi was convicted of the bombing and sentenced to 20 (later 27) years in prison.

How did the passengers on Pan Am 103 died?

Thirty-five students studying abroad with Syracuse University were struck down from the sky on Pan Am Flight 103 on December 21, 1988, along with 224 other passengers and eleven Lockerbie residents, victims of a terrorist bombing.

Where is the Lockerbie wreckage?

But the rest of the wreckage, including parts of the engines and pieces of the distinctive nose cone of the Boeing 747, was transported to Windleys Salvage in Tattershall, near Boston, Lincs, where it has remained ever since.

Could anyone have survived Lockerbie?

WICHITA, Kan. (AP) _ The pilot and at least 147 other victims of the Lockerbie disaster may have survived the bomb blast that ripped the plane apart at 31,000 feet and died when they hit the ground, a forensic pathologist said.

How many lives were lost in Pan Am Flight 103?

270 lives lost
The Legacy Award of Victims of Pan Am Flight 103, Inc. was established in 2017 to remember the 270 lives lost in the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 on December 21, 1988.