What are the Asterix names in French?

Comparison of names of major characters

Original name (French) Meaning Description
Idéfix idée fixe (theme or obsession) Obelix’s dog
Panoramix Panoramique (panoramic) Druid
Abraracourcix à bras raccourcis: (hit, lambast) violently Village Chief
Bonemine Bonne mine (healthy look) Chief’s Wife

Where do Astérix et obélix live?

The indomitable village (French: village des Irréductibles Gaulois), located in the Armorica region in northern Gaul, is the home hamlet of Asterix, Obelix and a few other characters.

What type of dog is Dogmatix?

white terrier dog
Dogmatix (/dɒɡˈmætɪks/) is a fictional tiny white terrier dog who is a companion to Obelix in the Asterix comics. Dogmatix is a pun on the words dog and dogmatic. In the original French, his name is Idéfix, itself a pun on the French expression idée fixe (fixed idea) meaning an obsession.

Why is Getafix called panoramix?

The name was translated from the English version, not the French, but the pun about “getting a fix” was lost in translation. However, the druid is named “Панорамикс” (“Panoramix”) in all live-action films and Asterix: The Mansions of the Gods.

Did the Gauls have a written language?

Gaulish was first written in Greek script in southern France and in a variety of Old Italic script in northern Italy….

Era 6th century BC to 6th century AD
Language family Indo-European Celtic Gaulish
Writing system Old Italic, Greek, Latin
Language codes

Is Asterix French or Belgian?

Asterix, French Astérix, French cartoon character, a small-statured cunning Gallic warrior who, with the help of a magical strength potion, defends his village and goes on comic globe-trotting adventures.

What dog race is idefix?

Dogmatix (/dɒɡˈmætɪks/) is a fictional tiny white terrier dog who is a companion to Obelix in the Asterix comics. Dogmatix is a pun on the words dog and dogmatic. In the original French, his name is Idéfix, itself a pun on the French expression idée fixe (fixed idea) meaning an obsession.