What does epididymal cyst pain feel like?

Other symptoms of an epididymal cyst may include: Dull pain in the scrotum (the sack that holds the testicles) A feeling of heaviness in the scrotum.

Can an epididymal cyst cause pain?

Epididymal cysts They are often painless, but the affected testicle may sometimes ache or feel heavy. You may also experience some pain and discomfort if the cyst puts pressure on other structures in or around your testicle.

Do epididymal cysts cause back pain?

The swelling of the epididymis can cause pain in the scrotum and testicles that sometimes radiates to other areas of the body, including the groin area and the lower back or sides.

Can testicular pain be referred pain?

Testicle pain (testicular pain) is pain that occurs in or around one or both testicles. Sometimes testicle pain actually originates from somewhere else in the groin or abdomen, and is felt in one or both testicles (referred pain).

What are the symptoms of epididymal cyst?

You may notice what looks or feels like an extra lump or mass above the testicle on one side of your scrotum. Or you may notice a general enlargement of your scrotum. Symptoms, when present, can include pain, swelling, or redness of the scrotum or a feeling of pressure at the base of the penis.

What helps epididymal cyst pain?

Although your spermatocele probably won’t go away on its own, most spermatoceles don’t need treatment. They generally don’t cause pain or complications. If yours is painful, your doctor might recommend over-the-counter pain medications, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others).

What helps pain from testicular cyst?

If the spermatocele is causing pain, most people can safely take over-the-counter pain medications, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others), to ease the discomfort.

Can epididymitis cause leg pain?

The commonest symptom is a low-grade ache in one testicle. It can be difficult to locate the discomfort precisely. The pain often radiates (spreads) into your scrotum, groin, thigh and lower back.

Is back pain related to testicular pain?

In some cases, back pain can spread to other areas of the body. For men this can include the testicles. The testicular area is very sensitive, and even the smallest injury can cause irritation or discomfort.

Can a pinched nerve cause testicular pain?

Pinched or compressed nerve Problems in your spine may be responsible for pain in your testicle and leg. For example, a pinched nerve in the spinal column can cause pain in nearby muscles and organs. It can also cause weakness, numbness, and tingling.

What does a testicular cyst feel like?

An unusual lump. Sudden pain. A dull aching pain or feeling of heaviness in the scrotum. Pain that radiates throughout the groin, abdomen or lower back.
