What is academic referee report?

As a referee you should be able to comment on the applicant’s research expertise and potential. This report is to provide information on the applicant’s eligibility and readiness for a research degree at Deakin University. In the case of scholarship applicants, this information will assist in their ranking.

Who can be academic referee?

In many cases you’ll need to give the names of two academic referees. Ideally these will be lecturers or tutors from a previous course since they should be able to comment on your academic capabilities and suitability for the programme of study being applied for.

How do you write an academic referee report?

How to write an academic recommendation letter

  1. Address the letter.
  2. Include a brief introduction.
  3. Outline the student’s qualifications.
  4. Describe a time that the student impressed you.
  5. End the letter with a particular endorsement.
  6. Provide your contact information.

How do you get an academic referee?

5 Tips on Picking an Academic Referee

  1. Think about your college lecturers and who can vouch for your skills.
  2. Ask your preferred referees before making any applications.
  3. Give your referees the information they need to write a strong reference.

How do I find an academic referee?

A professor you had for a course more recently (and ideally had for more than one course) in which you achieved a good grade is a much better option. You should choose someone that knows you reasonably well and will be the most likely to provide you with a good letter of reference.

What should a referee report include?

7 suggestions:

  1. Write for the level of the position.
  2. Provide sound comments.
  3. Choose words wisely.
  4. Give the highest rating if this appropriate.
  5. Referee reports are not a performance management opportunity.
  6. Be fair to staff.
  7. Be aware of your privacy responsibilities.

What makes a good referee report?

Be specific about the strengths and weaknesses in the paper’s execution. This is the point to go into great detail with your concerns and comments. Since the author has spent a great deal more time than you thinking about the topic, they will probably only be convinced by a very incisive point.

How do you get academic references if you don’t have any?

As has already been stated, you may be able to use a letter from a supervisor at your job (check the application instructions, or ask); and when you contact an instructor, share some work you did in the class. In addition: send an unofficial transcript to the instructor when you reach out.

Can I ask my professor to be a reference?

Always ask first, even if the professor has written a letter for you in the past. You should also ask for permission to list a professor’s name as a reference on an application, even if no letter is required.

How do you ask someone to be your academic reference?

Most students need an academic reference sooner or later….How to request an academic reference

  1. Ask first!
  2. Make sure you are asking the right person.
  3. Supply the lecturer with supporting information about you.
  4. Give them time to write the letter.
  5. Send a friendly reminder.
  6. Follow-up with a thank you.

How long should referee report be?

Your report should be approximately three double spaced pages in length. It should include a summary of the paper that highlights the main question being posed, the methodology being used, and the conclusions reached by the author.