Is Misperform a word?

verb. To perform badly or improperly.

What does strewn mean?

1 : to spread by scattering. 2 : to cover by or as if by scattering something strewing the highways with litter. 3 : to become dispersed over as if scattered.

Were strewed or were strewn?

verb (used with object), strewed, strewn [stroon] or strewed, strew·ing. to let fall in separate pieces or particles over a surface; scatter or sprinkle: to strew seed in a garden bed. to cover or overspread (a surface, place, etc.) with something scattered or sprinkled: to strew a floor with sawdust.

How do you use strew in a sentence?

Strew in a Sentence ?

  1. During the toddler’s temper tantrum, she strew several papers all over the floor.
  2. When I finished mowing the lawn, I noticed the mower strew clumps of grass everywhere which I would have to clean up.

Is Misexecute a word?

Misexecute is not recognized as a valid English verb by any of the authoritative English dictionaries. Misperform is a recognized verb which one could use to convey this meaning. Here’s a list of synonyms for misperform.

What does Misperformance mean?

Bad or improper performance
noun. Bad or improper performance; an instance of this.

Is untidily a word?

Meaning of untidily in English in a way that is not tidy: The table was heaped untidily with boxes and bags. She had fine auburn hair that was swept back untidily into a bun. His hair fell untidily to his shoulders.

Is strew a Scrabble word?

Yes, strew is in the scrabble dictionary.

What is the past tense of strew?

strew ​Definitions and Synonyms

present tense
he/she/it strews
present participle strewing
past tense strewed
past participle strewn

Is Misexecution a word?

noun. Wrong, improper, or defective execution of something; an instance of this.

What is underperformance?

Underperformance is when an employee isn’t doing their job properly or is behaving in an unacceptable way at work. It includes: not carrying out their work to the required standard or not doing their job at all. not following workplace policies, rules or procedures.