Does Green Phantom pleco eat algae?

The Green Phantom Pleco (L200) is a voracious algae-eating loricariid native to the Orinoco, in South America.

Do Picasimus fish eat algae?

In the home aquarium, they are prized for their propensity to eat algae, helping to keep the aquarium glass clean. However, they do need care, including feeding, beyond their algae-browsing.

Do Blue Phantom plecos eat algae?

The Blue Phantom Pleco is a freshwater fish. They do well in flowing water and enjoy having space to swim around. They are suckers and love eating algae, which they will happily suck off the walls of their tank.

How big does a Green Phantom pleco get?

Green Phantom’s can grow up to 7″ or so and care should be taken when adding to tanks with other bottom feeders. Thought this species is generally very placid and will bond well with other plec species.

How do you care for a Green Phantom pleco?

Aquarium Care Essentials for keeping the Green Phantom and other fancy ancistrin pleco include: clean water, some rock or wood structures, well oxygenated water and ideally some extra water flow provided by a powerhead or strong circulation pump.

Will a pleco keep my tank clean?

No, plecos don’t really clean your tank. Many people assume that because plecos are bottom-dwelling catfish, they will clean the tank. However, plecos only occasionally eat algae and may prevent algae blooms, but they can’t clean or scrape algae entirely from the tank.

Which pleco eats the most algae?

Bristlenose Plecostomus
Bristlenose Plecostomus (Bristlenose plecos) On top of their impressive algae-eating abilities, they’re capable of being quite the conversation starter.

How big do Phantom Blue plecos get?

7 inches
Care Guide for BLue Phantom Pleco

Max Size: 7 inches
Water: 75 – 86 F; pH 6 – 7.5
Difficulty: Easy
Living Zone: Bottom
Temperament: Peaceful

Do Blue Phantom plecos need driftwood?

The ideal decor for a Phantom tank are tall piles of rocks and boulders. You can include some driftwood or branches as well, but these catfish don’t need a lot of wood.

How much does a green phantom pleco cost?

L200 Green Phantom Pleco (Hemiancistrus Subviridis) – Aquatic Arts on sale today for $ 54.99.