Is the movie All My Life based on a true story?

All My Life is a 2020 American romantic drama film directed by Marc Meyers, from a screenplay by Todd Rosenberg, based on the true story of Solomon Chau and Jennifer Carter, a young couple that rushes to put their wedding together after Solomon is diagnosed with liver cancer.

What happens at the end of All My Life movie?

All My Life Ending (Spoilers) Sol dies. He never gets better, Jennifer doesn’t get pregnant and at least have a child by Sol, he just dies.

Will All My Life movie be on Netflix?

Watch All My Life | Netflix.

What is movie All My Life about?

Jennifer Carter and Solomon Chau are a sweet, fun-loving, newly engaged couple who are ready to start their lives together. But when Solomon is diagnosed with terminal liver cancer, their hopes for a summer wedding become impossible. With time running out, their friends and families soon devise an inspirational plan to help Jennifer and Solomon realize their dream wedding.All My Life / Film synopsis

Is Solomon Chau still alive?

Chau died at age 26 four months after his wedding, and just eight months after he was diagnosed with liver cancer.

What happened to Jenn Chau?

Watch their wedding video Chau died Monday afternoon at the downtown condo he shared with Carter, eight months after he was diagnosed with liver cancer.

Who gets sick in All My Life?

But Solomon gets sick. It’s a movie illness, though, meaning that Shum continues to be his very handsome self with a full head of hair. And the early reassurances from the doctors give way to diplomatically delivered but terrifying prognoses.

Where can I watch all my life 2021?

Hulu, Disney+, and ESPN+

Is all my life movie on Redbox?

All My Life for Rent, & Other New Releases on DVD at Redbox.

Is the couple a true story?

The Couple (2004) Movie – hoopla. Based on the true story of a Hungarian Jewish man’s desperate attempts to save his family from Nazi death camps. Starring Academy Award winner Martin Landau.

Does Sol live in all life?

Jenn and Sol eventually wed on April 11, 2015 and spent 128 days together as a married couple. They went to Niagara Falls and Blue Mountain, and got a dog. Eight months after their wedding day, Sol died in the apartment they shared.

Is Jenn Carter married?

Where were the real Solomon Chau and Jenn Carter married? The real couple was married on April 11, 2015 at Casa Loma, a Gothic Revival style “castle” that is one of Toronto’s most coveted wedding spots. Watch Solomon and Jenn’s wedding video below.