What are the benefits of supervision?

The benefits of supervision include enhanced accountability, increased feeling of support, development of professional skills and improved efficiency. Supervision is also associated with decreased feelings of isolation and role ambiguity.

What is the purpose of supervision in the workplace?

Supervision aims to provide accountability for both the supervisor and supervisee exploring practice and performance. It also enhances and provides additional evidence for annual performance management and review.

What are the benefits of reflective practice in youth work?

For youth workers, reflective practice helps to identify and respond to the emotional impact of clients’ behaviour, circumstances or disclosures of traumatic events.

What are the three key functions of supervision?

This tool focuses on four core functions of supervision – management, development, support and mediation.

Why is good supervision important for youth workers?

A youth worker who engages in good supervision develops superior self-awareness abilities, and is more equipped to prevent, or rapidly respond to, signs of vicarious trauma.

What are the functions of supervision?

The functions of supervision, and the subsequent roles of the supervisor, largely incorporate these essentials: supportive (counsellor); educative (teacher); and organisational (administrator).

What makes a youth worker effective?

In order to be effective, youth workers must understand the environment in which they work, the context to their work, and the specific effects of their interactions with clients (Gilmore, 2012).

What are the benefits of reflective supervision?

“Youth workers who participate in reflective supervision not only continue to grow, learn and become better at their job, they also feel more confident, report higher job satisfaction and find that they are able to contribute more to the organization (Jenkinson, 2010).