Who wrote Isaac and Ishmael West Wing?

Aaron Sorkin
During this time, however, Aaron Sorkin wrote and produced a special episode of the series The West Wing, which was broadcast 3 weeks after the attacks. The broadcast of this program—titled “Isaac and Ishmael”—was met with a decidedly captious critical reaction.

Did 9/11 happen in The West Wing?

Themes. The September 11 attacks are never directly referenced in this or any other episode of The West Wing. Discussions of “Islamic terrorism” act as euphemism for the attacks.

What does crash The West Wing mean?

When initially securing the Oval Office the Secret Service mentions that “Bamboo shoots ready”, which Bartlet translates as they want him in the Presidential motorcade. Later, Ron calls for them to “crash it”, which means a total lockdown and communications blackout until they can secure the premises.

What is the relationship between Isaac and Ishmael?

About 14 years after the birth of Ishmael, Isaac, Abraham’s son with whom God had promised to make a covenant, was born to Sarah. One day Sarah saw Isaac and Ishmael playing together and, fearing that Ishmael would also become an heir, sent the son and mother into the desert.

What happened to Ishmael in the Bible?

According to Muslim tradition, in which he is regarded as an ancestor of Muhammad, Ishmael thereby founded a great nation as promised by God in the Old Testament, and was buried with his mother Hagar (Hājar) next to the Kaaba in Mecca, under the area demarcated by the semi-circular Hijr Ismail wall.

What is Bartlett saying in two cathedrals?

To hell with your punishments! And to hell with you!” The sentences, “Cruciatus in crucem. Eas in crucem”, literally translate as “To a cross with your punishments.

Does Toby Ziegler get married?

In Season 4, Episode 19 Toby says that his draft number for Vietnam was not called. Toby was married to Andrea Wyatt, who serves as a congresswoman from Maryland.

What does that’s a full lid mean?

A “full lid” is shorthand for saying that there will be no more news coming out of the White House for the day. It’s a real term that has been used by White House Press Secretaries in briefings.

How long is Matthew Perry on West Wing?

While “Friends” was still airing, Matthew Perry appeared in three episodes of season four in 2003. Quincy is a Republican lawyer chosen in season four to replace the previous Republican White House counsel, Ainsley Hayes. He appeared in episodes “Evidence of Things Not Seen,” “Life on Mars,” and “Separation of Powers.”