How do you install HP QC Excel add-in?

Add or remove an automation add-in

  1. Click the File tab, click Options, and then click the Add-Ins category.
  2. In the Manage box, click Excel Add-ins, and then click Go.
  3. To install an automation add-in, in the Automation servers available box, click Automation, and then click the add-in that you want.

How do I download ALM add-ins in Excel?

1) Go to your ALM application. 2) Click on Help menu on the left panel. 4) Click on Microsoft Excel Add-In button. 5) Click on Download Version link, save and install the downloaded file.

How do you add Micro Focus ALM upload add-in in Excel?

Log in to ALM

  1. Open Microsoft Excel. Go to the Micro Focus ALM Upload Add-in tab, and click Login. The ALM Login dialog box opens.
  2. Enter your domain and project.
  3. To set your proxy settings, click Show Proxy Settings. By default, the connection is done via the Internet Explorer proxy settings.
  4. Click Login.

What is HP ALM Explorer?

ALM Client Launcher is a lightweight and flexible tool that enables you to run an ALM desktop client on Windows machine with no need for Internet Explorer or admin permissions. 19,271.

How do I install ALM on Windows 10?


  1. From the splash screen, click ALM Platform (Windows OS) to initiate the install.
  2. Click Next to continue to the next step.
  3. Click I Agree to accept the EULA and click Next.
  4. Populate the Customer Information and click Next.
  5. Select an Installation Folder and click Next.
  6. Click Next to confirm the installation.

How do I change security settings in Excel?

Change macro security settings

  1. On the Developer tab, in the Code group, click Macro Security. To enable the Developer tab, see Show the Developer tab.
  2. In the Macro Settings category, under Macro Settings, click the option that you want.

How do I import test cases from Excel to HP Quality Center?

Hp-QC – Upload Tests

  1. Step 1 − Navigate to ALM home page and click on “Tools” from the list of links.
  2. Step 2 − Click on “More HP ALM Addins” Link from the addins page as shown below.
  3. Step 3 − In the Addins page, select “Addins for Microsoft applications” and choose “Microsoft Excel”

How do I download HP ALM in Excel?

Installation Instructions

  1. Install Microsoft Excel on your HP ALM client machine.
  2. Install the HP ALM Client Registration add-in on your HP ALM client machine.
  3. Uninstall any previous versions of this add-in.
  4. Refer to the HP ALM Microsoft Excel Add-in Guide to review additional important installation instructions.

What is the difference between HP ALM and Quality Center?

HP ALM software is designed to manage the various phases of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) right from requirements gathering to testing. Earlier, it was known as HP Quality Center (QC). HP QC acts as a Test Management tool while HP ALM acts as a Project Management Tool.

What is HP ALM called now?

HP Quality Center (QC), a test management tool, is now popularly known as Application Life Cycle Management (ALM) tool, as it is no longer just a test management tool but it supports various phases of the software development life cycle.

Is Quality Center free?

Overview. HP QC Community Software is built on the industry leading HP ALM platform and is designed to help teams to deliver high-quality applications by providing a centralized repository for building, implementing, executing, and tracking of manual tests. This is a free download that includes five Named User licenses …

What is the latest version of HP ALM?

Download HP ALM/QC Trial (Now Micro Focus Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) software): The current latest HP ALM version is 12.