What does the term hindquarter include?
What does the term hindquarter include?
Definition of hindquarter 1 : one side of the back half of the carcass of a quadruped including a leg and usually one or more ribs. 2 hindquarters plural : the hind pair of legs of a quadruped broadly : all the structures of a quadruped that lie posterior to the attachment of the hind legs to the trunk.
What is another word for hindquarters?
In this page you can discover 29 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for hindquarters, like: croup, rump, nates, backside, tail, buttocks, bum, buns, can, fundament and hind end.
What are the parts of a thesaurus?
A poster explaining the different parts of a thesaurus. guide words. entry words. abbreviations. parts of speech.
Where are the hindquarters?
hindquarters, the rear part of an animal.
What cuts of meat are in a hind quarter?
Hind Quarter can be cut into the following: Round Steak, Sirloin Steak, Rump Roast, T-Bone Steak, Shank, Soup Bone, Ground Beef, Ground Chuck, and more.
What contains thesaurus?
A thesaurus is a list of words arranged in conceptual groups or alphabetically, and for each word you can see:
- similar words: a number of words that have nearly the same meaning or the same meaning (synonym)
- opposite words: one or two words that have the opposite meaning (antonym) or nearly opposite meaning.
How is a thesaurus organized?
Other thesauri and synonym dictionaries are organized alphabetically. Most repeat the list of synonyms under each word. Some designate a principal entry for each concept and cross-reference it. A third system interfiles words and conceptual headings.
What is the meaning of hind legs?
hind leg (plural hind legs) Either of the two legs towards the rear of a four-legged animal.
Do humans have hindquarters?
hindquarters The posterior part of a quadruped, adjacent to the hind legs. 1. hindquarters – the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on; “he deserves a good kick in the butt”; “are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?”
What do you get in a rear quarter of beef?
The hind quarter consists of the hip, the loin and the flank. The hip consists of the following cuts: shank.
How much is a hind quarter of a cow?
Best Value Wholesale – Hind Quarter – $8.97/lb. – Bar 10 Beef.