What was the platform of the Republican Party in the election of 1860?
What was the platform of the Republican Party in the election of 1860?
The 1860 Republican National Convention in Chicago nominated Lincoln, a moderate former one-term Whig Representative from Illinois. Its platform promised not to interfere with slavery in the South but opposed extension of slavery into the territories.
What was the platform of the Republican Party in 1856?
The First Republican Convention The convention approved an anti-slavery platform that called for congressional sovereignty in the territories, an end to polygamy in Mormon settlements, and federal assistance for a transcontinental railroad.
What was the Republican platform in 1860 quizlet?
The Republican platform in 1860 promised to end slavery in the southern states.
What were Lincoln’s platforms?
A former Whig, Lincoln ran on a political platform opposed to the expansion of slavery in the territories. His election served as the immediate impetus for the outbreak of the Civil War. After being sworn in as president, Lincoln refused to accept any resolution that would result in Southern secession from the Union.
What was significant about the election of 1860?
The Election of 1860 demonstrated the divisions within the United States just before the Civil War. The election was unusual because four strong candidates competed for the presidency. Political parties of the day were in flux.
What was the main issue in the election of 1860?
While the platforms of the various parties competing for the presidency in 1860 discussed issues such as a national tariff, the Homestead Act, and a transcontinental railroad, the main issue dominating the campaign was slavery. The Democratic Party split over the issue of slavery.
Which group opposed the spread of slavery during the 1860?
The 1860 Republican Party convention in Chicago created a platform that clearly opposed the expansion of slavery in the West and the reopening of the slave trade.
What was the Free Soil Party stance on slavery?
Free-Soil Party, (1848–54), minor but influential political party in the pre-Civil War period of American history that opposed the extension of slavery into the western territories.
What was the first state to secede from the Union?
state of South Carolina
On December 20, 1860, the state of South Carolina became the first state to secede from the Union as shown on the accompanying map entitled “Map of the United States of America showing the Boundaries of the Union and Confederate Geographical Divisions and Departments as of Dec, 31, 1860” published in the 1891 Atlas to …
What was Lincoln’s platform regarding slavery?
Lincoln was morally opposed to slavery and politically opposed to any expansion of it. At issue was its extension into the western territories. On October 16, 1854, in his Peoria speech, Lincoln declared his opposition to slavery, which he repeated as he sought the presidency.
Why did the Democratic Republicans split in 1860?
The Northern Democratic Party was a leg of the Democratic Party during the 1860 presidential election, when the party split in two factions because of disagreements over slavery. They held two conventions before the election, in Charleston and Baltimore, where they established their platform.
Why was the election of 1860 so contentious?
The election was unusual because four strong candidates competed for the presidency. Political parties of the day were in flux. The dominant party, the Democratic Party, had split into two sectional factions, with each promoting its own candidate.