What is a citator in Westlaw?

At its core, a citator is an index of legal materials. With a citator service, a legal researcher can generate a list of materials that cite to a specific source or document. The two primary legal citators are KeyCite (Westlaw) and Shepard’s (Lexis).

How do you see a citator report for a case in Lexis?

Lexis Advance: Shepard’s From your case, click the Shepardize button toward the top of the screen; you can also click the treatment symbol next to the case name to get to the citator report. Check your view.

What is the purpose of a citator?

One purpose of a citator (such as KeyCite or Shepard’s) is to update statutes. For a particular statute (the cited statute), a citator will give you the history of a statute and reveal every time a later case or secondary source (a citing reference) refers to the cited statute.

What kind of information can be found in a citator?

A citator is a research tool that allows the tax researcher to both determine the history of a case and evaluate the strength of its holdings. A citator may also facilitate locating cases more on point with the client’s facts. Distinguish between the following terms: cited case, citing case, citation, and cites.

Is BCite a citator?

The Bloomberg Law Citator, BCite, is a tool that can be used to validate whether an IRS Revenue Ruling, Revenue Procedure, Notice or Announcement is good law, as well as to research cases and other IRS documents on point.

How do I know if my case has been overturned?

The only way you can know if your case is still good law is to validate your research. “Validating” your case research means to run your case through a citator service to see if there are subsequent legal authorities that invalidate your case and then reading those cases that negatively impact your case.

How do you KeyCite on Westlaw?

Click KeyCite at the top of any page to display the KeyCite page. Then type a citation in the KeyCite this citation text box and click Go. Click the KeyCite status flag in a document header or next to a document’s citation.

What does it mean to Shepardize?

To Shepardize a citation is to ascertain the subsequent treatment of a legal decision, thus putting its precedential value in a complete context. The term originates from the common historical use of Shepard’s Citation Service to track the treatment of specific decisions.

Why does a researcher use a citator quizlet?

A citator enables tax researchers to locate authorities​ (e.g., cases and IRS​ pronouncements) that have cited a particular case.

Does pacer provide an online citator?

Keep in mind that these sites will typically only contain documents from recent cases. PACER is an online service that provides access to court documents from certain federal courts (including the U.S. District Courts, Bankruptcy Courts, and Courts of Appeals).

What does a yellow flag in Westlaw mean?

A yellow flag warns that the case has some negative history but has not been reversed or overruled. For example, the reasoning of the decision was criticized or its holding was limited to a specific set of facts.

How do you tell if a case is still good law on Westlaw?

To determine whether a case is still good law, you need to check the subsequent history of the case as well as subsequent citations to see how other cases have treated your case by using citators (Shepardizing on Lexis or KeyCiting on Westlaw).