What is Mshta exe virus?

mshta.exe is a legitimate file that is also known as an interperter for Microsoft Scripting Host. It is responsible for executing html applications and assisting scripts to run in Windows system. It is typically located in c:\windows\system32.

What is an Mshta exe file?

Mshta.exe is a Windows-native binary designed to execute Microsoft HTML Application (HTA) files. As its full name implies, Mshta can execute Windows Script Host code (VBScript and JScript) embedded within HTML in a network proxy-aware fashion.

Is Mshta exe necessary?

Mshta.exe is necessary for Microsoft HTML Application Host. Thus, we do not recommend you to terminate this process. Otherwise, you might encounter various problems with Internet Explorer after Mshta.exe removal. Instead, ensure that this executable is actually dangerous.

What is HTA file?

What is HTA? HTA is short for HTML Application, which are programs based on HTML and one or more scripting languages supported by Internet Explorer, usually VBScript or JScript. The default file-association for the . hta extension is the Microsoft HTML Application Host (mshta.exe).

How do I open HTA files in Windows 10?

You can run HTML applications in Windows by double-clicking HTA files. After you double-click an HTA file, Windows opens the application in Internet Explorer and runs the embedded code.

What is a HTA file?

What is HTML What are all the application where it is applied?

An HTML Application (HTA) is a Microsoft Windows program whose source code consists of HTML, Dynamic HTML, and one or more scripting languages supported by Internet Explorer, such as VBScript or JScript. The HTML is used to generate the user interface, and the scripting language is used for the program logic.

What are the uses of CSS?

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to style and layout web pages — for example, to alter the font, color, size, and spacing of your content, split it into multiple columns, or add animations and other decorative features.

What opens HTA?

HTA” extension; run by the Microsoft HTML Application Host (Mshta.exe). You can run HTML applications in Windows by double-clicking HTA files. After you double-click an HTA file, Windows opens the application in Internet Explorer and runs the embedded code.